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Ethan-Strominger edited this page Nov 19, 2023 · 1 revision

Creating GitHub Pages Site with Jekyll

Coding Resources

  3. Code lab from Google
  4. Quick Setup for Google Clasp
  5. npmjs / github resources
    1. gatsby-source-google-docs Over 300 non-dependabot commits, 2 branches, 80 closed issues, 4 open doc issues, 1 open code issue.Did a test on one file, set up was made a lot easier by automating processes that you would otherwise have to manually do for credentials and authorizing a Google Cloud project.
      1. fork of above repo used to publish on npm and npm
      2. wikiGDrive: githubnpm Activity is more recent. Set up is not as automated as gatsby option. May have more tests. Looks like it outputs to google drive rather than local, which is less preferable.
      3. @ahl389/markdoctor: converts markdown to Google Docs, so not appropriate.
      4. @supersheets/docdown: README consists of a single line, last updated 4 years ago.
      5. parse-google-docs-json: based on gatsby-source-gdocs2md. Has warning that it is for personal use.
      6. google-docs-converter: limited functionality. Outputs on screen, does not write to file, only does one file at a time. Does not support Images, Tables, Centered text, Horizontal Rules (e.g.), overlapping styled text (bold text inside italic, etc)
  6. Stack OverFlow: saving and accessing images with Apps Script
  7. Stack Overflow: Displaying Google Drive image on a website
  8. Updating a file in GitHub repository using Octokit - Stack Overflow
  9. Archive
    • Alyssa built the Apps Script as seen in this link. Alyssa is moving off the project and @ethanstrominger is now working on it.
    • GoogleDoc2Html is an open source project that was used as a base in July 2022 by Ethan Strominger. It was the top hit in google. However, searching turned out to be much more fruitful.


  1. Read DR: Use an existing add on converter called Docs to Markdown to learn about the add-on we were using and why we stopped using it.

Tangential links

  1. Guides Tracker Project Board, with filter on the word Slack
  2. Most recent Draft of Slack Reminder Guide that the figma mockup is modeled after
  3. page where you can see the floating menu

100 Automations

  1. Open a new automation proposal
  2. 100Automations Guides

Resources Specific to This Project

  1. Folder with files needed for this issue: Google Docs to Markdown Converter
  2. Wins to Review Folder - Ask permission from one of the HfLA Website Team's technical leads or merge team members
  3. Values for Toolkit Fields
  4. How to Set And Delete Reminders V4
  5. Figma Design Link for Guide Pages Redesign
  6. Figjam flowchart
  7. DR: Use an existing add on converter called Docs to Markdown
  8. List of Tools can be found on Admin wiki Tools
  9. List of Program Areas can be found on hack for LA website projects page

Past Issues

Past Issues (All documentation that may be useful)

  1. Issue #2978 - Project is currently tracked through this issue
  2. - drop down menu design for toolkit
  3. hackforla/guides#10 (comment) - Important! Shows output from current Apps Script MD Converter
  4. hackforla/website#1630 (comment) - Documentation of Progress Made for Guide Pages Redesign (General)
  5. Credits to Tutorial on Google Apps Script - Markdown Converter
  6. DR: Use an existing add on converter called Docs to Markdown