Fosite is a generic framework for the numerical solution of hyperbolic conservation laws in generalized orthogonal coordinates. Its main purpose is the simulation of compressible flows in accretion disks. The underlying numerical solution method belongs to the family of unsplit conservative finite volume TVD schemes. The method is 2nd order accurate in space and uses high order Runge-Kutta schemes for time evolution. In addition to the pure advection code several source terms have been implemented to account for, e.g., shear stresses and gravitational forces.
Fosite is written in Fortran 2008 using an object-oriented design. It follows the Structure of Arrays (SoA) programming paradigm to allow for high data throughput on modern high performances architectures (SIMD). The code has been vectorized and optimized for intel x86_64 and the NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA Vector Engine. Parallelization is implemented using domain decomposition with MPI communication. It has been verified to run with at least MPICH and NECs MPI libraries. OpenMPI is currently not supported.
Additional information and help:
IRC-Chat: #fosite on freenode (
To customize the build process enter the directory with the source code and run
cmake <path_to_source>
In order to get information about available options type
cmake -L <path_to_source>
Setting up an alternative compiler in a different folder (here a build- folder within the source) is possible with
FC=gfortran cmake <path_to_source>
Compilation is done by
In order to build the parallel version type
cmake -DPARALLEL=ON <path_to_source>
Compilation is done by
Finally run
mpirun -n X programname
where X is the number of cores that should be used. In the standard output the partitioning can be checked at "MESH-----> MPI partitioning: X1:X2:X3" where X1X2X3 should be equal to X.
On NEC-SX Aurora vector machines there is a toolchain provided. Run
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../Toolchain-SX-Aurora.cmake <path_to_source>
The code is distributed under the GNU General Public License - see the accompanying LICENSE file for more details. So feel free to experiment with this.
Copyright (C) 2006-2019
Tobias Illenseer [email protected]
Manuel Jung [email protected]
Jannes Klee [email protected]