Team Members: Alexander Popov, Behram Ulukir, Egor Eremin, Ilya Nekrasov, Zohreh Sherafatpour
This is a course project for Aalto University course Databases (CS-A1153). The goal is creating an PostgreSQL database for vaccine distribution in Helsinki region and doin data analysis on that databases. Tech-stack includes PostgreSQL, Python, NumPy, Pandas, matplotlib.
This readme is credit of @behramulukir. I have moved the original repo from Aalto VCS to preserve the commit history of all the contributors.
With the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the world entered a new and catastrophic phase with lockdowns for months. During that time, research labs around the world were trying to develop vaccines against the COVID-19 virus. After the approval of the first vaccines from multiple manufacturers by health authorities, countries then rushed for vaccinating, thus acquiring and distributing, as many people as possible. Combined with additional features like vaccine passes and contact tracing, the vaccination system was requiring a really complex database that must be able to keep a record of every single thing related to the vaccination system including patients, transportation system, staff members, vaccine types, batches, symptoms and diagnosis, and many more. The complex side was that different parts of this system must be connected with each other so that a more detailed breakdown can be reached if required. In this project, as a group of 5 students, we created a model database for Finland’s vaccination system for Databases course (CS-A1153).
Along with keeping a record of information related to vaccination, this database can be used to reach more specific information such as patients contacted with a specific staff member who tested positive and a staff member that vaccinated a specific patient, or general statistics such as the rate of specific symptoms among the receivers of different vaccines and vaccination rates among different age groups. More examples can be given, and in fact, during this project, our team analyzed the database and worked on different aspects of the database.
In the submission, there are 5 files: 2 SQL files, 2 Python files, and 1 text file. The text file, as you can understand from its name, contains the required libraries for this project. It is highly important to download those libraries before starting. sqlCreatingDatabase.sql file contains SQL queries needed to create tables, the file contains code to run the sqlCreatingDatabase.sql file and populates the tables according to the excel sheets given, sqlQueries.sql contains queries for finding some information about the database and the file contains code for analyzing the database. To create a database from zero, you first need to install the required libraries, then run the file. This will automatically connect to the PostgreSQL server, and create and populate tables according to the given information.
In this first version of the UML diagram, there are 11 different classes, all of which are connected to each other by a reasonable relation. By using these relations, we transformed the UML diagram into a relational model in this way:
Staff (name, phone, birthday, SSN,
vaccination status, role) - BCNF: both SSN and phone number are unique
attributes thus they are candidate keys, SSN is the primary key. There
isn’t any other unique value except them.
VaccinationShift (weekday,
hospital/clinic) - BCNF
VaccEvent (Date, hospital/ClinicName,
StaffSSN) - BCNF
Count (date, ssID, numberOfPatients) -
Hospital(name, address, phone) - BCNF:
both name and address are candidate keys, name is the primary key.
Batch(batchID, numberOfVacc, vaccType,
prod.Date, exp.Date) - non-BCNF, its decomposed version:
R1(batchID, numberOfVacc, vaccType,
prod.Date) &
R2(vaccType, prod.Date, exp.Date)
StoredAt(batchID, HosName) - BCNF
TransportLog(batchID, DepDate, ArrDate, DepHos,
ArrHos) - BCNF
Patient(ssID, name, birth, gender,
vaccStatus) - BCNF
SymptomsReported(ssID, date, name,
isCritical) - BCNF
VaccType(vaccID, doses, criticalTemp) -
Manufacturer(id, origin, contactNumber,
vaccineID) - BCNF: both id and contactNumber are candidate keys, id is
the primary key.
While designing this UML diagram and relational model, we needed to take some hard decisions. The most important two of them were which attributes should be considered unique in the class Staff and which classes are violating BCNF. In the end, we decided that SSN and phone number should be considered unique and SSN should be the primary key while the phone number is the candidate key. In this model, we thought the only class violating BCNF is Batch, therefore we decomposed it into two. However, the feedback we received and the data given to us led us to change our UML diagram and relational data.
Figure 2 is the final version of the UML diagram and it contains 12 classes. When we transform this UML diagram into a relational database model which is the baseline for actual SQL database, we obtained the following model:
staff (ssn, name, phone, birthday,
vacc_status, role) - BCNF: both SSN and phone number are unique
attributes thus they are candidate keys, SSN is the primary key. There
isn’t any other unique value except them.
vaccination_shift (hospital, weekday,
worker) - BCNF
vaccination_event (date, hospital,
batch) - BCNF
vaccine_patient (patient, date,
hospital) - BCNF
hospital(name, address, phone) - BCNF:
both name and address are candidate keys, name is the primary key
batch(id, num_of_vacc, vaccine_type,
manufacturer, prod_date, exp_date, hospital) - BCNF
transport_log(batch, dep_date, arr_date,
dep_hos, arr_hos) - BCNF
patient(ssID, name, birth, gender,
vaccStatus) - BCNF
symptoms(name, critical) - BCNF
diagnosis(patient, symptom, date) -
vaccine_type(id, name, doses, temp_min,
temp_max) - BCNF
manufacturer(id, origin, phone,
vaccine_type) - BCNF: both id and contactNumber are candidate keys, id
is the primary key
In the relational model above, underlined attributes are primary keys for the classes they belong to. While some classes have unique identifiers, ids, as primary keys some classes have multiple attributes combined as their primary keys. The relational model above is in BCNF form.
The main difference between two versions of database designs is we first divided SymptomsReported class into two different classes as symptoms and diagnosis. This is because the given excel sheet showed us that storing the data related to symptoms in two different tables is more logical. The second important change is in the revised version, we didn’t decompose the Batch class because we had learned that it was already in BCNF form. We also removed storedAt class and combined it with batch class. We renamed count class as vaccine_patient and deleted numberOfPatients attribute and added location attribute. The StaffSSN attribute was changed with batch attribute. One general and very important change we did was standardizing naming. Initially, we hadn’t decided on a naming convention so members used their own conventions for it. Later, we decided that this was making writing queries complex due to different conventions in attribute/class naming. While working on the second version of our database design, we standardized naming and used the same naming convention for all classes/attributes.
It is generally a good idea to process your data before feeding it into SQL to avoid feeding erroneous data which may also lead to database crashes. For this reason, we cleaned the data given to us by using Python. Pandas framework has very useful tools for that, and we utilized them when needed. The main purpose of usage was the renaming columns. As you know, to be able to feed the data frame to the SQL, column names should match. For that, we renamed columns in our data frame by using the .rename function. For data cleaning, there were two parts where we noticed that there is a problem with data. The first one was the erroneous date inputs in the diagnosis table. One of the inputs was not in date format and the other one was 2021-02-29, which actually doesn’t exist. We decided to find them by using the .isinstance function and drop them since they are apparently breaking the order of the input. The other field of error was column names in vaccination_event and vaccine_patient tables. Column names in those tables were containing extra whitespace, so we deleted them by using the .strip() function.
In addition to data cleaning, there is a possible improvement that we could make. By adding foreign key constraints, we could increase the efficiency and coherency of our database. Though, it is possible to say that the current version of the database works enough efficiently for the scale of given model data.
While working as a group, there are two important things: 1. Creating the right environment 2. Balancing the workload. In this project, we paid great attention to both of these things and started with choosing a group leader to take care of the organizational side of things. This includes distributing roles, creating the environment for group work, and utilizing tools for collaboration smoother. Our first step in this was using Google Drive as a common repository and as a tool for creating the UML diagram. The second step was using GitLab, as introduced in the course. While using GitLab and writing code, we had a general principle: Always write comments about the part you added, so that other members can understand the function of the code easily. This principle helped us to have smooth progress, but we also take some decisions regarding the structure of our code to contribute to that. This was about writing SQL code by using Python. During the course, we were introduced to two ways of using SQL code in Python: 1. Running the SQL file on Python by using a tool given 2. Hardcoding SQL in Python by using a specific syntax. We chose the first path because in that way it was easier to keep things under control, and each member was able to check others’ code easily. So that we spotted mistakes rapidly and fixed them together.
During the project, we always tried to keep the distribution of roles at an equal level. For this reason, when we were given the slides about part 1, we decided to give each member a page of the slide that contains descriptions of some classes. Each member was responsible for the classes that were described on the given page. For part 2, we continued with the same distribution but we also added divided queries needed according to their difficulties. This means each member was assigned one or two query, depending on the difficulties of those queries. For part 3, where there are 10 requirements for database analysis, we decided to give each member 2 requirements, again by taking the difficulties of requirements into consideration. In this way, we always kept workload balanced for all members. However, we had a flexible approach to help other members if needed and acted as a group in required cases.
Part 1 | 1.5 weeks for individual work | 1 days for review and documentation |
Part 2 | 2 weeks for individual work | 2 days for review and documentation |
Part 3 | 2 weeks for indivudual work | 2 days for review and documentation |
Project Deliverable | 1 week for documentation - individual |
Estimated schedule
The table shows the initial plan for the project. Before starting to document, we met as a group, discussed and reviewed what we have done so far for the current part of the project, and solved the problems that we had. After these meetings, we wrote the documentation, prepared the submission file, and submitted it.
Overall, this database is designed to work with model data which is very very smaller compared to the real vaccination data of Finland. Although it works quite well with the model data, it would be good to test it with bigger datasets and see how efficient it is in more real-life-like situations.
In the future, this database can be expanded and combined with the database of COVID patients and contact tracing, so for example quarantine times for people contacted with a COVID-positive person can be adjusted according to their vaccination status. Also, this would give healthcare professionals a foresight about the COVID situation in general.
Overall, this project managed to achieve its aims and now can be used. It is possible to add new data, write new queries to obtain some specific data and do analysis on it to learn statistical information about it.