This purpose of this portfolio is to act as a documentation of the following programmers' experience in self-learning a variety of different fields of computer science/programming/project design. It serves to as a tool to motivate, inspire, and share resources in the spirit of self-learning by organizing the structure in which topics are explores, while also maintaining the liberty and flexibility of changing styles of learning by capitalizing on the abundances of information provided by the internet. The following documentations may include:
- Resources to textbooks, video/interactive tutorials, or documentation related
- Practice problems/coding snippets.
- Articles on said topic/Personal Notes
- Documentation on the overall process of learning said topic.
- Feedback (* Will most likely be in the form of markdown text, but future plans may extend to a personalized website)
- Full Stack Dev - The following topic will cover the essential tools for WebDevelopment. Currently involves learning (HTML/CSS --> Javascript --> Django (web_framework_backend)--> React(Frontend) --> Git (Version Control))
- Authors: [Jeffrey Wang]