Yeoman generator for beautiful and responsive webapp
- Built-in preview server with livereload
- Automagically lint your scripts
- Awesome image optimization
- Token authentication
- Login form
- Table with pagination
- E2E tests using Protractor
- Unit tests using Mocha + Chai
- CSS Autoprefixing
npm install -g gulp bower yo generator-gulp-angular-semantic-ui
mkdir mywebproject && cd mywebproject
yo gulp-angular-semantic-ui
bower install
npm install
- Run a localhost server listen on port 9000:
gulp serve
- Concat all html, js and css files and minify them to the dist directory:
gulp build
- Install the drivers:
node_modules/gulp-protractor/node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update
- Run the server via terminal:
gulp serve
- Start a standalone webdriver instance (if you aren't using Chrome):
gulp webdriver
- Run the e2e tests:
gulp e2e
- For unit tests:
npm test
- AngularJS 1.47
- Semantic-UI 2.1.4
- Removed gulp-postcss