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Lakeroad Evaluation

This README contains detailed information on how to set up and run the evaluation for Lakeroad. It was specifically written for ASPLOS 2024's artifact evaluation process, but all instructions should work for the general public.

Table of Contents


These instructions will step you through the process of building and running the evaluation using Docker. This is suitable for those simply aiming to reproduce results (i.e., artifact evaluators). For those aiming to do development, you should instead follow the instructions in Setup without Docker.

Steps summary:

  1. Kick the tires (less than 1hr)
  2. Install proprietary hardware tools (~3hrs)
  3. Build Docker image (less than 1hr)
  4. Run evaluation inside of Docker container (2-20+hrs, depending on number of cores)
  5. Inspect output (~15 minutes)

Important things to note before we begin:

  • Docker is required for building and running the evaluation.
  • Access to the lakeroad-private repository is required for this evaluation. If you are using the Zenodo link in the paper, the lakeroad-private files are included. If you would like to clone directly from this repo, contact the authors (we suggest opening an issue) to get access to lakeroad-private.
  • This evaluation must be run on an x86 Linux (ideally Ubuntu) machine with 300GB of free space. Parts of the evaluation will work on Mac (namely, the Lakeroad components), but you will not be able to run (let alone install) the baseline hardware compilers (Vivado, Quartus, and Diamond). We recommend Ubuntu, as that is what we use. Windows is completely untested and not recommended. The large disk space requirement is mostly due to the large size of the proprietary hardware tools.
  • This evaluation benefits from many cores. Our evaluation machine has 128 cores, and takes about 3.5 hours while fully using the machine.
  • This README is meant to be a readable version of the necessary environment setup for the evaluation, but in case of bugs or missing information, consult the Dockerfile and the workflow file as ground truth. The Dockerfile is the ground truth detailing which dependencies must be installed and which environment variables must be set. The workflow file is the ground truth detailing how to build the Docker image and execute the evaluation within a Docker container.

Step 0: Kick the Tires

To "kick the tires" of our evaluation, you can build our Docker image and run the portion of the evaluation that does not depend on proprietary hardware tools.

First, download the zip archive of the evaluation off of Zenodo using the link in the paper. Then, run the following:

unzip <file-from-zenodo> \
&& cd lakeroad-evaluation \
&& docker build . -t lre-kick-the-tires --build-arg MAKE_JOBS=`nproc` \
&& docker run lre-kick-the-tires doit -n $((`nproc`/4)) '*lakeroad*'

If you eventually start seeing output like the following:

.  robustness_experiments:mult_3_stage_unsigned_18_bit:lakeroad_intel:verilator
.  robustness_experiments:muladd_2_stage_signed_8_bit:lattice-ecp5-lakeroad
.  robustness_experiments:mult_2_stage_unsigned_18_bit:lakeroad-xilinx:verilator
.  robustness_experiments:muladd_3_stage_signed_8_bit:lakeroad-xilinx
.  robustness_experiments:muladd_3_stage_signed_8_bit:lattice-ecp5-lakeroad
.  robustness_experiments:muladd_0_stage_unsigned_8_bit:lakeroad-xilinx
.  robustness_experiments:mult_3_stage_unsigned_12_bit:lakeroad-xilinx:verilator
.  robustness_experiments:muladd_0_stage_unsigned_8_bit:lattice-ecp5-lakeroad
.  robustness_experiments:muladd_0_stage_signed_8_bit:lakeroad-xilinx:verilator
.  robustness_experiments:mult_1_stage_unsigned_18_bit:lattice-ecp5-lakeroad:verilator
.  robustness_experiments:muladd_1_stage_unsigned_8_bit:lakeroad-xilinx
.  robustness_experiments:muladd_1_stage_unsigned_8_bit:lattice-ecp5-lakeroad
.  robustness_experiments:muladd_2_stage_unsigned_8_bit:lakeroad-xilinx

then the Lakeroad portion of the evaluation is successfully running, and you should consider the tires kicked. The evaluation won't produce much useful output (i.e. figures and tables) until the proprietary tools are installed, so at this point you should kill the run and move on to step 1.

Step 1: Install Proprietary Hardware Tools

Our Dockerfile automatically builds almost all of the evaluation's dependencies. However, a few critical pieces of software are left out: the proprietary hardware compiler toolchains Vivado, Quartus, and Diamond. Why did we leave these out? A few reasons, but chief among them: they are very large, unwieldy to install, and may require generating individual (free) licenses, all of which makes packaging inside a Docker image very difficult.

Thus, to fully run the evaluation via Docker, you must first install the proprietary hardware compiler toolchains. Follow the linked instructions, and then proceed to step 2.

Note: hardware design tools are notoriously finicky and difficult. Please do not blame us for failures which occur in this portion of evaluation setup. We will give support for installing these tools (via HotCRP for artifact evaluators or via issues on GitHub), but these tools are not ours, and thus, there is only so much we can do.

Xilinx Vivado

The evaluation uses Vivado version 2023.1.

To install Vivado, please visit this link. Download the product labeled "Vivado ML Edition - 2023.1 Full Product Installation" via whichever method you prefer. You will be required to create an account on their website to download. From there, running the installer should be fairly seamless. We installed Vivado to /tools/Xilinx, but you can install it wherever you want.

Lattice Diamond

The evaluation uses Lattice Diamond version 3.12.

Unfortunately, Lattice's Diamond toolchain is more difficult to install. We lean on this blog post for installing Lattice Diamond. Please follow all of the instructions under the first section titled "Install Lattice Diamond". You can ignore the other sections of the post. (In case the above post disappears, the archived version is here.) These instructions should completely cover all of the difficulties in installing Diamond. We ran into many issues following these instructions, though in the end, they were all errors on our side. If you similarly run into issues, you can read the notes we took while installing Diamond on our own machine: #86

Intel Quartus

The evaluation uses Quartus Prime Lite 22.1.

Download and install the software using the instructions on this page. We used the "Multiple Download" option to download and extract a tarfile. The new "Installer" method may work better, but we haven't tested it. We installed Quartus to /tools/intel, but you can install it wherever you want. We encountered some issues with Quartus installation, documented here. The only change we needed in the end was to change the permissions of the installed files:

sudo chmod -R u+rwX,go+rX,go-w /path/to/quartus/install

Note that this command may not be needed if you use the new "Installer" method.

Step 2: Build Docker Image

Once you have the proprietary hardware tools installed, you are now ready to build the Docker image.

If you have downloaded the evaluation using the Zenodo link, unpack it:

unzip <file-from-zenodo>
cd lakeroad-evaluation

Alternatively, if you have access to lakeroad-private, you can clone this repository directly:

git clone <url-of-this-repo>
git submodule init; git submodule update
cd lakeroad
git submodule init; git submodule update lakeroad-private
cd ..

Next, we will run docker build, which will roughly look like:

docker build . -t lakeroad-evaluation \
  --build-arg VIVADO_BIN_DIR=/path/to/Vivado/2023.1/bin \
  --build-arg QUARTUS_BIN_DIR=/path/to/quartus/bin \
  --build-arg DIAMOND_BINDIR=/path/to/diamond/3.12/bin/lin64
  --build-arg MAKE_JOBS=`nproc`

We will now describe how to set each --build-arg flag.

VIVADO_BIN_DIR,QUARTUS_BIN_DIR,and DIAMOND_BINDIR should be set to the bin/ (or bin/lin64/, for Diamond) directories for each installed tool. (Note: these paths will actually refer to paths inside the Docker image, but it's strongly encouraged to just use the same paths that exist on your host system.)

For example, in our workflow file, we use the following settings for these arguments:

  --build-arg VIVADO_BIN_DIR=/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.1/bin \
  --build-arg QUARTUS_BIN_DIR=/tools/intel/quartus/bin \
  --build-arg DIAMOND_BINDIR=/usr/local/diamond/3.12/bin/lin64 \

Please determine what the appropriate settings should be on your machine.

MAKE_JOBS should be set to the number of parallel jobs make should use when building. It is generally a safe default to set this to the number of processors on your machine, which can be printed by running nproc.

Putting it all together, your final command might look something like this, a simplified form of the command used by our GitHub workflow:

docker build . -t lakeroad-evaluation \
  --build-arg VIVADO_BIN_DIR=/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.1/bin \
  --build-arg QUARTUS_BIN_DIR=/tools/intel/quartus/bin/ \
  --build-arg DIAMOND_BINDIR=/usr/local/diamond/3.12/bin/lin64 \
  --build-arg MAKE_JOBS=`nproc`

Step 3: Run Evaluation

Finally, we will run the evaluation inside a Docker container.

Evaluation will take multiple hours. We suggest running within tmux or screen.

The entire process is summarized in the following code block. We will go into further detail about each part.

# Start a tmux or screen session.
tmux # or `screen`

# Start the Docker container in the background.
docker run \
  -dt \
  --name <container-name> \
  -v /tools/Xilinx:/tools/Xilinx \
  -v /usr/local/diamond:/usr/local/diamond \
  -v /tools/intel:/tools/intel \

# Enter the container.
docker exec -it <container-name> bash

# Execute the evaluation.
bash /root/

We will now explain each step.

tmux # or `screen`

This command enters a tmux or screen session, which opens up a persistent terminal which you can reconnect to even after logging off and logging back onto your machine. Entering a tmux or screen session is optional, but is helpful for keeping the evaluation running for a long period of time. Search for "tmux cheat sheet" or "screen cheat sheet" for the basic commands.

docker run \
  -dt \
  --name <container-name> \
  -v /tools/Xilinx:/tools/Xilinx \
  -v /usr/local/diamond:/usr/local/diamond \
  -v /tools/intel:/tools/intel \

This command starts a Docker container in the background. After this command, the Docker container (which is similar to a virtual machine) will be present on the machine, but will not yet be connected to it.

To start the Docker container, we must provide a few flags.

  • -dt ensures the container is started in the background.

  • --name can be set to a name of your choosing. This will become the name of your container, which we will later use to copy out the resulting evaluation files. For example, --name lakeroad-evaluation-container.

  • The -v flags ensure that the evaluation has access to your local installations of the proprietary hardware tools by mounting the tools inside of the container. The flags should look like:

      -v /path/to/Xilinx:/path/to/Xilinx \
      -v /path/to/diamond:/path/to/diamond \
      -v /path/to/intel:/path/to/intel \

    We recommend mounting the tools within the containers such that they have the same path as in the host system; hence, this is why the source path (before the colon) is the same as the destination path (after the colon). For example, in our workflow file, we use the following settings for these arguments:

      -v /tools/Xilinx:/tools/Xilinx \
      -v /usr/local/diamond:/usr/local/diamond \
      -v /tools/intel:/tools/intel \

    Again, these paths will be different depending on where you installed these tools in step 1. Note that we mount the entire tool folder and not just the bin folder; e.g. we mount /tools/Xilinx instead of /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.1/bin.

docker exec -it <container-name> bash

This command enters the Docker container. Use the container name you chose above. After this command, you should see your terminal prompt change. If you run ls, you will see that you are now in a different directory.

export NUM_JOBS_VIVADO_TASKS=<num-jobs-vivado-tasks>
export NUM_JOBS_LAKEROAD_TASKS=<num-jobs-lakeroad-tasks>
export NUM_JOBS_OTHER_TASKS=<num-jobs-other-tasks>
bash /root/

These commands run the evaluation. The environment variables NUM_JOBS_VIVADO_TASKS, NUM_JOBS_LAKEROAD_TASKS, and NUM_JOBS_OTHER_TASKS determine the number of parallel tasks that are used for each portion of the evaluation. Correctly setting these can reduce the evaluation runtime by hours! However, tuning these numbers to be correct can be quite annoying. Thus, we provide two methods for setting these variables: an easy but potentially non-performant method, and a more involved but more performant method.

Easy but potentially non-performant. A quick-and-dirty setting of these variables that should work on most machines would be the following:

export NUM_JOBS_VIVADO_TASKS=$((`nproc`/3))
export NUM_JOBS_LAKEROAD_TASKS=$((`nproc`/6))
export NUM_JOBS_OTHER_TASKS=$((`nproc`/2))

More involved but more performant. A more involved method of determining appropriate settings for these variables involves tuning the numbers based on the uptime readings that are printed during evaluation. will print the result of uptime at an interval determined by the setting of PRINT_UPTIME_INTERVAL (in seconds). In our above set of commands, we use a 60 second interval. To tune the number of parallel tasks, you can attempt to raise the load average to somewhere between 80-100% by increasing the number of parallel tasks. The script prints information about which group of tasks are being run (Vivado tasks, then Lakeroad tasks, then remaining tasks). If your number of parallel tasks is too high, this will manifest in one or both of these ways: (1) for non-Vivado tasks, your load average will be above 100, and the tasks will run very slowly as a result due to thrashing; (2) for the Vivado tasks, you will see Vivado crashing (likely due to out of memory errors). On our 64-core, 128-thread machine, we use 50 parallel Vivado tasks, 20 parallel Lakeroad tasks, and 100 parallel tasks for the remaining tasks.

Note that our evaluation framework caches successfully run experiments, so you can kill the evaluation and restart it without worrying about losing progress. Similarly, you can disconnect from and reconnect to your Docker container without worrying about losing progress.

Troubleshooting Evaluation Errors

This subsection documents errors you may encounter while running the evaluation, and how to troubleshoot them.

Vivado failures. Unfortunately, Vivado is very finicky and is likely to crash on at least a few experiments. Please remember that Vivado is not our tool, and in fact, that frustrations with Vivado are part of what inspired the creation of Lakeroad. To debug Vivado failures, we recommend one of two steps: (1) Simply rerun the evaluation script. Vivado's errors are often unpredictable, and will go away on a second try. (2) Lower the number of parallel tasks used when running the Vivado tasks. See the section above for details. If neither of these options work, please open an issue here (or leave a comment on HotCRP, for artifact evaluators).

Step 4: Inspect Output

Finally, we will inspect the output of the evaluation.

To do so, we will first copy the output folder out of the container and onto the host machine:

docker container cp <container-name>:/root/out out/

This command copies the folder at /root/out (the default location for evaluation outputs) to out/. Use the same container name from step 3.

Now you can inspect the outputs and compare them to the figures and tables in the paper. The following is a list of the important outputs to inspect inside of out/.

  • figures/lakeroad_is_x_times_better.csv: This file captures data on the multiplicative factor by which Lakeroad outperforms other tools with regard to completeness. These numbers appear in the text: specifically, in the abstract, at the end of the introduction, and in the evaluation (5.1, Comparison to Existing Toolchains, first paragraph).
  • figures/lakeroad_time_{intel,lattice,xilinx}.png: These are the images used in Figure 7.
  • figures/resource_percentages.csv: The numbers for Lakeroad's mean resource reduction. These numbers appear in the evaluation (5.1, Comparison to Existing Toolchains, final paragraph).
  • figures/solver_counts.csv: The number of experiments solved by each solver. These numbers appear in the evaluation (5.1, Comparison to Existing Toolchains, second to last paragraph).
  • figures/succeeded_vs_failed_all.png: This is the image used in Figure 6.
  • figures/timing_table.csv: This is the data from which the table in Figure 6 is generated.
  • line_counts/architecture_descriptions.csv: The number of source lines of code (SLoC) for the architecture descriptions in Lakeroad.


At this point, you should have succeeded in installing all prerequisite software, building the Docker image, running the evaluation, and inspecting the results. If you run into issues during this process, please open an issue on the repository (or, for our artifact evaluators, add a comment on HotCRP).


Setup without Docker

If you are interested in setting up the evaluation to run outside of Docker, e.g. so that you can develop on it, follow these instructions.

For now, I will simply refer you to the Dockerfile, which documents how your local environment should be set up.
