This documentation provides detailed information about the available API endpoints in the Trivia application. Each endpoint is described with its URL, request parameters, and expected response body.
Description: Fetches all categories.
Request Parameters: None
Response Body:
"success": true,
"categories": {
"1": "Science",
"2": "Art"
// other categories
Description: Fetches all questions with pagination.
Request Parameters: page (optional): Page number for pagination (default: 1)
Response Body:
"success": true,
"questions": [
"id": 1,
"question": "What is the capital of France?",
"answer": "Paris",
"category": "1",
"difficulty": 1
// other questions
"total_questions": 50
Description: Deletes a specific question.
Request Parameters: None
Response Body:
"success": true,
"deleted": 1
Description: Adds a new question.
Request Parameters: None
Request Body:
"question": "What is the largest planet?",
"answer": "Jupiter",
"category": "1",
"difficulty": 3
Response Body:
"success": true
Description: Adds a new question.
Request Parameters: None
Request Body:
"searchTerm": "planet"
Response Body:
"success": true,
"questions": [
"id": 1,
"question": "What is the largest planet?",
"answer": "Jupiter",
"category": "1",
"difficulty": 3
// other matching questions
"total_questions": 1
Description: Fetches questions for a specific category.
Request Parameters: None
Response Body:
"success": true,
"questions": [
"id": 1,
"question": "What is the capital of France?",
"answer": "Paris",
"category": "1",
"difficulty": 1
// other questions in the category
"total_questions": 10,
"current_category": 1
Description: Fetches the next question for a quiz.
Request Parameters: None
Request Body:
"previous_questions": [1, 2],
"quiz_category": {
"id": "1",
"type": "Science"
Response Body:
"success": true,
"question": {
"id": 3,
"question": "What is the boiling point of water?",
"answer": "100°C",
"category": "1",
"difficulty": 1
The API returns error responses in the following format:
"success": false,
"error": 404,
"message": "Resource not found"
Error Codes:
- 400: Bad request
- 404: Resource not found
- 422: Unprocessable entity