29 June 2020
Instructions for generating this site. See README_Academic.md
for George Cushen's README file for the Academic theme.
- Git and GitHub
- Sublime Text 3
See instructions for Hugo Theme Academic. This guide assumes that you have Hugo installed. The web deploy is the easiest way to do it.
Don't forget to initialize the theme:
git submodule update --init --recursive
(This is especially true if you get an error when running Hugo along hte lines of failed to extract shortcode: template for shortcode "alert" not found
hugo server -d
Then navigate to the url.
Open the folder in Sublime and save it as a project. Go ahead and check that Git Saavy works by saving a new README.md
file and pushing it back to the GitHub repository.
Navigate to ./config/_default/
and modify the toml files there as appropriate. Check to make sure everything compiles.
All paths are relative to the project root.
Create a
folder. Hugo will look here for templates and shortcodes first. This over-rides any files from the theme (located in.themes/academic
). -
Transfer over the
directory. These include a shortcode for twitter and a shortcode for e-mail hyperlinks that are robust against bots looking for e-mail addresses to spam. -
Create a
directory for templates for the home page. -
Unlike earlier versions of Hugo Academic, CSS and javascript now go into the
folder and are called inparams.toml
. See this discussion.The
approach has been depreciated as of Academic Version 4.6. Custom JavaScript inparams.toml
is still specified asplugins_js
; this is the way custom CSS used to be input; now it all goes into a single css file.- Create a new folder
with a filecustom.scss
. - Copy and paste your custom CSS into this file. Note that SCSS is a superset of CSS.
- Put all CSS into this
- Create a new folder
Copy over my custom font selection and custom theme. These are
files in./data/fonts
. Update theparams.toml
file to point to these files:theme = "fliptheme" font = "flipfont"
Copy the contents of the
folder and the entirety of the./static/files/
folder. -
New in this version: favicon now go to
as a 512x512 image titledicon.png
. If there is also a file nameslogo.png
then this will be uesd in place of the site name on the menubar.
In config/_default/config.toml
, edit the site URL:
baseurl = "https://theory.ucr.edu/flip/"
Update the site title and copyright blurb
Tip: edit this file as you write new sections in content/home/
. If this page refers to sections that don't exist yet then the Hugo server will give you an error and you won't be able to preview your work.
In config/_default/menus.toml
edit the menu bar items. Each item looks like this:
name = "Home"
url = "#about"
weight = 10
The name is what shows up on the top menu bar. A url of #about
means it links to the section content/home/about.md
(make sure that file exists). The order of items in the menu bar and on the home page is given by the weight. A section with weight 10 will show up ahead of a section with weight 20.
In config/_default/params.toml
color_theme = "fliptheme"
assuming the existence ofdata/themes/fliptheme.toml
day_night = false
, no light/dark mode toggling.font = "flipfont"
assuming the existence ofdata/fonts/flipfont.toml
- Edit other details as appropriate; e.g. contact info, turn off search
Update avatar.jpg
with your photo, update _index.md
. This is where the about
widget draws its information from.
In content/authors/admin
- replace
with a profile photo - Update the personal data in
- We won't be using the
lists in_index.md
- We won't be using the
- Transfer over the long list of social icons. We'll eventually edit the template files so that they show up under the bio blurb, not the profile picture.
Delete excess widgets. The default Academic kickstart comes with a bunch of demo widgets. Let's clear them out. In content\home\
you can remove everything except about.md
, contact.md
, slider.md
We'll fill in the content later.
Remark: at this stage, the site probably looks a bit funky... colors and spacing will be a little off. Feel free to not call the css files yet to return to a slightly more conventional appearance.
There are two major design edits here. They're a bit of a pain to implement, but that's my hubris for you.
The superstructure of an Academic page is in themes/academic/layouts/_default/baseof.html
. Go ahead and copy this file to /layouts/_default/baseof.html
so that we may edit it. Create the subdirectories as necessary and make sure you're not editing anything in the themes
Here's what the default baseof.html
looks like.
<!DOCTYPE html>
{{- $language_code := site.LanguageCode | default "en-us" -}}
<html lang="{{$language_code}}" {{ if in site.Data.i18n.rtl.rtl $language_code }}dir="rtl"{{end}}>
{{ partial "site_head" . }}
<body id="top" data-spy="scroll" data-offset="70" data-target="{{ if or .IsHome (eq .Type "widget_page") }}#navbar-main{{else}}#TableOfContents{{end}}" {{ if not (.Scratch.Get "light") }}class="dark"{{end}}>
{{ partial "search" . }}
{{ partial "navbar" . }}
{{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}
{{ partial "site_js" . }}
{{/* Docs and Updates layouts include the site footer in a different location. */}}
{{ if not (in (slice "docs" "updates") .Type) }}
<div class="container">
{{ partial "site_footer" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ partial "citation" . }}
We can see where the navigation bar is called and where the footer is called. The stuff in between calls the sections of the home page. Here's what we want to do:
We want the background of the
to be dark gray. Aesthetically we want the background to be white. However, the navigation bar and footer will be dark gray. What this means is that if one over-scrolls (pulls above or below the main page by a little) then you get a bit of white pulling from under the footer or from above the navigation bar. This looks distracting, so we're going to jump through some hoops. This involves:a) setting the
background to be dark gray. If you've copied over the style files, this should already be active.b) creating a new
<div id="THECONTENT">
that has a white background. All of the sections will be inside this division. Over scrolling, however, will pull more space from outside this division, which will be dark gray. -
We want the fancy footer. I have a neat Feynman diagram footer graphic that I like. Observe that the
<div class="container">
that encloses the footer does not spread across the entire navigator width. Thecontainer
class is something inherited from Bootstrap, the responsive design grid system that Academic is built upon.We have to place additional
s just around and above the footer.
Bonus: at this stage you can also put in the baseof.html
code for a watermark.
Here's what it looks like now:
<!DOCTYPE html>
{{- $language_code := site.LanguageCode | default "en-us" -}}
<html lang="{{$language_code}}" {{ if in site.Data.i18n.rtl.rtl $language_code }}dir="rtl"{{end}}>
{{ partial "site_head" . }}
<body id="top" data-spy="scroll" data-offset="70" data-target="{{ if or .IsHome (eq .Type "widget_page") }}#navbar-main{{else}}#TableOfContents{{end}}" {{ if not (.Scratch.Get "light") }}class="dark"{{end}}>
{{ partial "search" . }}
<div id="watermark" style="background-image:url('{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}/img/{{ .Site.Params.watermark }}');"></div>
<!-- /FLIP -->
{{ partial "navbar" . }}
<!-- FLIP 2019 -->
<div id="THECONTENT"> <!-- closed below; see flip2019.css -->
<!-- /FLIP 2019 -->
{{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}
{{ partial "site_js" . }}
{{/* Docs and Updates layouts include the site footer in a different location. */}}
{{ if not (in (slice "docs" "updates") .Type) }}
<!-- FLIP -->
<div style="position: relative; width: 0; height: 0">
<div id="feynmanfoot" style="background-image:url('{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}/img/{{ .Site.Params.footmark }}');"></div>
<div id="botbar1"></div>
<!-- -- -->
<div id="FOOTERBAR">
<!-- /FLIP -->
<div class="container">
{{ partial "site_footer" . }}
<!-- FLIP -->
</div> <!-- closes div FOOTERBAR -->
<!-- /FLIP -->
{{ end }}
<!-- FLIP -->
</div> <!-- closes id="THECONTENT" -->
<!-- /FLIP -->
{{ partial "citation" . }}
Then go ahead and define mylogo
and midlogo
in params.toml
. We might as well add in a few extra parameters that we'll need.
# Feynman Diagram Footer
footmark = "layout/feynmanfooter.png"
# Footer logos
midlogo = "logo/UCRPAlogo.png"
mylogo = "logo/FlipAmbigram.png"
# watermark on the about widget
watermark = "background/Bundle3.jpg"
## /FLIP
This is a good checkpoint: the website should look reasonable at this stage.
The breakpoint of a navigation bar is the window width at which the bar collapses into the familiar "three horizontal bars" symbol for an expanding menu. Bootstrap 4 makes this easy. Here's how it works:
Changing the navbar breakpoint is easier in Bootstrap 4 using the navbar-expand-* classes:
<nav class="navbar fixed-top navbar-expand-sm">..</nav>
The options are
: mobile menu on xs screens <576pxnavbar-expand-md
: mobile menu on sm screens <768pxnavbar-expand-lg
: mobile menu on md screens <992pxnavbar-expand-xl
: mobile menu on lg screens <1200pxnavbar-expand
: never use mobile menu- (no expand class) = always use mobile menu
The relevant line shows up at the top of themes/academic/layouts/partials/navbar.html
. You know what that means: make a copy of that file in /layouts/partials/
and change
<nav class="navbar navbar-light fixed-top navbar-expand-lg py-0 compensate-for-scrollbar" id="navbar-main">
<nav class="navbar navbar-light fixed-top navbar-expand-md py-0 compensate-for-scrollbar" id="navbar-main">
You can use navbar-expand-sm
if your menu is particularly brief.
By the way, this is also way easier than it used to be in Bootstrap 3, remember to be grateful.
To edit the footer, use themes/academic/layouts/partials/site_footer.html
. Copy it to layouts/partials/
. For simplicity, I'm assuming no terms.md
or privacy.md
so I'll just delete that part of site_footer.html
Here's my modification:
<footer class="site-footer">
<!-- FLIP 2019 -->
<div class="row" id="footer-columns">
<div class="col-md-4" id="footer-col-1">
<img src="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}img/{{ $.Site.Params.mylogo }}" class="center-me">
<div class="col-md-4" id="footer-col-1">
<img src="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}img/{{ $.Site.Params.midlogo }}" class="center-me">
<div class="col-md-4" id="footer-col-1">
<p class="powered-by">
{{ with site.Copyright }}{{ replace . "{year}" now.Year | markdownify}} · {{ end }}
Powered by the
<a href="https://sourcethemes.com/academic/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Academic theme</a> for
<a href="https://gohugo.io" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Hugo</a>.
{{ if ne .Type "docs" }}
<span class="float-right" aria-hidden="true">
<a href="#" id="back_to_top">
<span class="button_icon">
<i class="fas fa-chevron-up fa-2x"></i>
{{ end }}
<!-- /FLIP 2019 -->
Then go ahead and define mylogo
and midlogo
in params.toml
# Footer logos
midlogo = "logo/UCRPAlogo.png"
mylogo = "logo/FlipAmbigram.png"
One fancy thing to add in is a watermark. If you copied the watermark code in baseof.html
and params.toml
(as well as the relevant parts of custom.css
, it should already be up and running.
In baseof.html
: the code:
<div id="watermark" style="background-image:url('{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}/img/{{ .Site.Params.watermark }}');"></div>
<!-- /FLIP -->
{{ partial "navbar.html" . }}
Note that I've tried to annotate my edits compared to the default file. This is helpful since the next time I make edits, the default file may have been upgraded and I need to remember where to put hacks.
Go ahead and define watermark
in params.toml
# watermark on the about widget
watermark = "background/Bundle3.jpg"
The next thing to tweak is the template for this widget itself.
Copy themes/academic/layouts/partials/widgets/about.html
to layouts/partials/widgets/about.html
Now remove the parts that have to do with the interests and education information; those will go into the cv widget.
You can just comment out the chunk of code right below {{ $person_page.Content }}
<div class="row">
{{ with $person.interests }}
<div class="col-md-5">
<h3>{{ i18n "interests" | markdownify }}</h3>
<ul class="ul-interests">
{{ range . }}
<li>{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}</li>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $person.education }}
<div class="col-md-7">
<h3>{{ i18n "education" | markdownify }}</h3>
<ul class="ul-edu fa-ul">
{{ range .courses }}
<i class="fa-li fas fa-graduation-cap"></i>
<div class="description">
<p class="course">{{ .course }}{{ with .year }}, {{ . }}{{ end }}</p>
<p class="institution">{{ .institution }}</p>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Next we want to move the list of icons. It defaults to being under the profile photo and title. We'd like to move it to after the mini biography.
This is the piece of code to move:
<ul class="network-icon" aria-hidden="true">
{{ range $person.social }}
{{ $pack := or .icon_pack "fas" }}
{{ $pack_prefix := $pack }}
{{ if in (slice "fab" "fas" "far" "fal") $pack }}
{{ $pack_prefix = "fa" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $link := .link }}
{{ $scheme := (urls.Parse $link).Scheme }}
{{ $target := "" }}
{{ if not $scheme }}
{{ $link = .link | relLangURL }}
{{ else if in (slice "http" "https") $scheme }}
{{ $target = "target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"" }}
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ $link | safeURL }}" {{ $target | safeHTMLAttr }}>
<i class="{{ $pack }} {{ $pack_prefix }}-{{ .icon }} big-icon"></i>
{{ end }}
Move it to the following line in about.html
{{ $person_page.Content }}
Note: by default the ./content/home/about.md
widget doesn't have any content. The biographical blurb draws from ./content/authors/admin/_index.md
. This is an opportunity: any content you put in about.md
now appears under the icon bar. Let's make that content <small>
by default so that it appears as a foot note. In about.html
, add the following code after the icon list:
<small>{{ $page.Content }}</small>
One can also make the <small>
tag of class comment
to make it gray.
And go ahead an put a blurb in the main content of about.md
(anything below the +++
). Note that $person_page.Content
draws from _index.md
while $page.Content
draws from about.md
The next item on the website should be a mini-CV with links to a full CV. Copy themes/academic/layouts/partials/widgets/blank.html
to layouts/partials/widgets/blank.html
and rename it to CV.html
Now make a copy of content/home/demo.md
(from ./themes/academic
if you deleted it) and name it CV.md
. In CV.md
widget = "CV"
headless = true # This file represents a page section.
active = true # Activate this widget? true/false
weight = 25 # Order that this section will appear.
title = "Curriculum Vitae"
subtitle = ""
# CV location
cv_pdf = "./files/Tanedo.pdf"
# Group Logo
group_logo = "./img/logo/UCRHEP_03.png"
# Choose how many columns the section has. Valid values: 1 or 2.
columns = "2"
# Custom CSS.
css_style = ""
# CSS class.
css_class = ""
interests = [
"Dark matter",
"Models of new physics",
"Particle astro/cosmo",
"Equity in science"
course = "PhD in Physics"
course_short = "PhD"
institution = "Cornell University"
institution_short = "Cornell"
year = 2013
logo = "/logo/icon_Co.png"
course = "MSc in Physics"
course_short = "MSc"
institution = "Durham University / IPPP"
institution_short = "Durham/IPPP"
year = 2008
logo = "/logo/icon_D.png"
course = "MASt in Mathematics"
course_short = "MASt"
institution = "Cambridge University"
institution_short = "Cambridge"
year = 2007
logo = "/logo/icon_Ca.png"
course = "BS in Physics & Mathematics"
course_short = "BS"
institution = "Stanford University"
institution_short = "Stanford"
year = 2008
logo = "/logo/icon_S.png"
service = [
"Open House Committee (chair)",
"Website Committee (chair)",
"Graduate Diversity Committee",
"Outreach Committee",
"Advancing Faculty Diversity Hiring Committee",
"[Cientifico Latino Mentor](https://www.cientificolatino.com)",
"[Phy Sci Book Club Moderator](https://www.cellardoorbookstore.com/book-clubs)"
**Flip Tanedo** is an assistant professor of theoretical physics at the University of California, Riverside. His research seeks to discover how dark matter fits into our fundamental understanding of nature.
- UCI Chancellor's Advance Postdoctoral Fellow, 2014 - 2015
- Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship, 2010 - 2012
- NSF Graduate Research Fellow, 2006 - 2011
- Marshall Scholarship, 2006 - 2008
Now modify CV.html
to call the additional page data:
{{ $st := .page }}
{{ $columns := $st.Params.design.columns | default "2" }}
<div class="row">
{{ if ne $columns "1" }}
<div class="col-12 col-lg-4 section-heading">
<!-- FLIP: h1 -> h2 -->
{{ with $st.Title }}<h2>{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}</h2>{{ end }}
<!-- /FLIP -->
{{ with $st.Params.subtitle }}<p>{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}</p>{{ end }}
<!-- FLIP -->
<a class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-xs" href="{{ $st.Params.cv_pdf }}">
Download Complete CV
{{ if $st.Params.group_logo }}
<img class="sidebarpic" src="{{ $st.Params.group_logo }}">
<meta itemprop="image" content="{{ $st.Params.group_logo }}">
{{ end }}
<!-- /FLIP -->
<div class="col-12 col-lg-8">
{{ $st.Content }}
<!-- FLIP -->
<div class="row">
{{ with $st.Params.interests }}
<div class="col-md-5">
<h3>{{ i18n "interests" | markdownify }}</h3>
<ul class="ul-interests">
{{ range .interests }}
<li>{{ . | markdownify }}</li>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $st.Params.education }}
<div class="col-md-7">
<h3>{{ i18n "education" | markdownify }}</h3>
<ul class="ul-edu fa-ul">
{{ range .courses }}
{{ if .logo }}
<img src="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}img/{{ .logo }}" style="height:1rem; float: left; padding-right: 10px;">
{{ else }}
<i class="fa-li fas fa-graduation-cap"></i>
{{ end }}
<div class="description">
{{ .course_short }}
{{ with .institution_short }}, {{ . }}{{ end }}
{{ with .year }}({{ . }}){{ end }}
<br />
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $st.Params.service }}
<p style="font-size: .8rem;">
{{ range .service }}
{{ . | markdownify }} ·
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- /FLIP -->
{{ else }}
<div class="col-lg-12">
{{ with $st.Title }}<h1>{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}</h1>{{ end }}
{{ with $st.Params.subtitle }}<p>{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}</p>{{ end }}
{{ $st.Content }}
{{ end }}
Note also the minor tweak of <h1>
to <h2>
in the following line:
{{ with $st.Title }}<h2>{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}</h2>{{ end }}
This is so that "Curriculum Vitae" fits on one line on large screens.
This section is just a discussion of some of the edits above, you can skip it if everything runs well and you don't need to tweak anything.
In CV.html
under <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-4 section-heading">
<a class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-xs" href="{{ $st.Params.cv_pdf }}">
Download Complete CV
Note that in previous versions of Academic the templates used $page
instead of $st
. Also, previous versions of Bootstrap had a different btn
class structure (btn btn-primary btn-outline
instead of btn btn-outline-primary
). I remark on these to highlight the ways in which template updates show up.
In the header of CV.md
# CV location
cv_pdf = "./files/Tanedo.pdf"
Note that this has to go between the +++
in the header section, and above any list parameters (Defined with brackets: [list]
In the file structure: /static/files/Tanedo.pdf
A class sidebarpic
is defined in flip2018.css
specifically for the CV widget. In flip2018.css
/* for CV WIDGET */
/* sets max size */
width: 250px;
height: 250px;
text-align: center;
margin: 0 auto;
In CV.md
# Group Logo
group_logo = "./img/logo/UCRHEP_03.png"
In CV.html
{{ if $page.Params.group_logo }}
<img class="sidebarpic" src="{{ $page.Params.group_logo }}">
<meta itemprop="image" content="{{ $page.Params.group_logo }}">
{{ end }}
Note that I was a bit more clever with the go if
statement here. That's probably good practice.
In CV.html
<div class="col-12 col-lg-8">
{{ $st.Content }}
<!-- FLIP 2019 -->
<div class="row">
{{ with $st.Params.interests }}
<div class="col-md-5">
<h3>{{ i18n "interests" | markdownify }}</h3>
<ul class="ul-interests">
{{ range .interests }}
<li>{{ . | markdownify }}</li>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $st.Params.education }}
<div class="col-md-7">
<h3>{{ i18n "education" | markdownify }}</h3>
<ul class="ul-edu fa-ul">
{{ range .courses }}
<!-- <li> -->
{{ if .logo }}
<img src="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}img/{{ .logo }}" style="height:1rem; float: left; padding-right: 10px;">
{{ else }}
<i class="fa-li fas fa-graduation-cap"></i>
{{ end }}
<div class="description">
{{ .course_short }}
{{ with .institution_short }}, {{ . }}{{ end }}
{{ with .year }}({{ . }}){{ end }}
<br />
<!-- </li> -->
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $st.Params.service }}
<p style="font-size: .8rem;">
{{ range .service }}
{{ . | markdownify }} ,
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- /FLIP 2019 -->
In CV.md
interests = [
"Dark matter",
"Models of new physics",
"Particle astro/cosmo",
"Equity in science"
course = "PhD in Physics"
course_short = "PhD"
institution = "Cornell University"
institution_short = "Cornell"
year = 2013
logo = "/logo/icon_Co.png"
course = "MSc in Physics"
course_short = "MSc"
institution = "Durham University / IPPP"
institution_short = "Durham/IPPP"
year = 2008
logo = "/logo/icon_D.png"
course = "MASt in Mathematics"
course_short = "MASt"
institution = "Cambridge University"
institution_short = "Cambridge"
year = 2007
logo = "/logo/icon_Ca.png"
course = "BS in Physics & Mathematics"
course_short = "BS"
institution = "Stanford University"
institution_short = "Stanford"
year = 2008
logo = "/logo/icon_S.png"
service = [
"Open House Committee (chair)",
"Website Committee (chair)",
"Graduate Diversity Committee",
"[Graduate Student Mentor](https://gradmentors.ucr.edu)",
Rename ./content/home/slider.md
to research.md
. Copy over the old version. Here's what the top of my file looks like (adding more items is straightforward):
# Slider widget.
widget = "slider" # See https://sourcethemes.com/academic/docs/page-builder/
headless = true # This file represents a page section.
active = true # Activate this widget? true/false
weight = 30 # Order that this section will appear.
# Slide interval.
# Use `false` to disable animation or enter a time in ms, e.g. `5000` (5s).
interval = false
# Slide height (optional).
# E.g. `500px` for 500 pixels or `calc(100vh - 70px)` for full screen.
height = "400px"
# Slides.
# Duplicate an `[[item]]` block to add more slides.
title = "VSIDM"
content = "Higgsed Yang-Mills Dark Sector"
align = "right" # Choose `center`, `left`, or `right`.
overlay_img = "research/vsidm.png" # relative to `static/img/`
overlay_filter = 0.5 # Darken the image. Value in range 0-1.
cta_label = "1907.10217"
cta_url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.10217"
cta_icon_pack = "fas"
cta_icon = "graduation-cap"
I like having a grid of courses that I've taught. Eventually I might need to do something about archiving old courses. The style sheet for this is flipiconlist.css
. This defines classes teaching
, smaller
, and teachingpic
. Now we modify a clean widget template (use blank.html
) and rename it to teaching.html
. By now you know where to put it. Here's what my teaching.html
looks like:
{{ $st := .page }}
{{ $columns := $st.Params.design.columns | default "2" }}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 col-lg-4 section-heading">
{{ with $st.Title }}<h1>{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}</h1>{{ end }}
{{ with $st.Params.subtitle }}<p>{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}</p>{{ end }}
<div class="col-12 col-lg-8">
<!-- FLIP 2019 -->
<div class="row">
{{ with $st.Params.teaching }}
{{ range .class }}
<div class="col-3 teaching">
<a href="{{ .website }}"><img class="teachingpic" src="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}img/teaching/{{ .photo }}"></a>
<a href="{{ .website }}">{{ .number }}, {{ .session }}</a> <br />
<span class="smaller">{{ .name }}</span>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- /FLIP 2019 -->
{{ $st.Content }}
The format for the classes is:
name = "Computational Physics"
number = "P177"
session = "Spr 2018"
photo = "P177-2018.png"
website = "https://github.com/Physics177-2018"
Note: the teaching page links to a "how to request a letter of recommendation" page. Go ahead and copy and pate ./content/recs/
over to the new site.
This is similar to the teaching. Styling is now in custom.css
. In the future, it may be better to make a separate style for only this widget, which seems to be something allowed. (I'm not sure where to put the css file, though.)
Student format:
name = "Corey Kownacki*"
position = "Grad"
start = "2017"
end = "18"
photo = "template_corey.jpg"
website = "http://theory.ucr.edu/group.html"
Here's my kludge for the students.html
style, it goes right below {{ $st.Content }}
: (Note: I removed the if/else
for number of columns; this widget has two columns)
<!-- FLIP 2019 -->
{{ with $st.Params.mygroup }}
<ul class="ul-students">
{{ range .students }}
<li class="ul-students" title="{{ .name }}">
<a href="{{ .website }}"><img class="studentpic" src="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}img/students/{{ .photo }}"></a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<span class="comment">* - co-advised</span>
<div class="row comment">
<h5>Past Students</h5>
{{ with $st.Params.mygroup }}
{{ range .oldstudents }}
<div class="row comment">
<div class="col-xs-3">
<a href="{{ .website }}" class=comment>
{{ .name }}
<div class="col-xs-3">
{{ .start }} - {{ .end }}
<div class="col-xs-6">
{{ .position }}, {{ .role }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- /FLIP 2019 -->
(I've made a few other tweaks in the html file.)
This uses the blank widget with a twitter shortcode (Hugo's way of inserting bits of html). I had to adapt this since last year due to some updates on how Hugo does short codes.
Google Calendar links go into the toml
of the contact.md
widget. Here's how it works. In the header of contact.md
# Google Calendar
src = "aXE0b2FzM3YyMmszajYyZjJjaTMzMWhxZDRAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ"
src = "NTQ1YzF2aWU5a3U4aWRxMnRnaWVtNjEwZ2tAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ"
src = "cW1kbHB2aGc1cG40bXQzN2VqNHQ4c3NiMGdAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ"
src = "ajRpMzBlc2E1bTFlNHE2YTYzNHVqMG5qNDRAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ"
In /layouts/partials/widgets/contact.html
{{ with $page.Content }}{{ . }}{{ end }}
<!-- FLIP 2019 -->
{{ with $page.Params.calendar }}
<iframe src="https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?height=200&wkst=1&bgcolor=%23ffffff&ctz=America%2FLos_Angeles&{{ range $index, $item := $page.Params.calendar }}src={{ with $item.src }}{{ . }}{{ end }}&{{ end }}color=%23C0CA33&color=%23F4511E&color=%237986CB&color=%23F6BF26&mode=AGENDA&showNav=0&showPrint=0&showTabs=0&showCalendars=0&showTitle=0" style="border:solid 1px #777" width="98%" height="200" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
{{ end }}
<!-- /FLIP 2019 -->
{{ if $page.Params.email_form }}
Note how the Go code is nested:
{{ with $page.Params.calendar }}
{{ range $index, $item := $page.Params.calendar }}
{{ with $item.src }}
{{ . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Unfortuantely it looks like something is going on the server side of Google Calendar and this only works on Chrome. Apparently this has to do with the "prevent site cross-tracking" default in Safari.
Lifted from this Stack Overflow thread. The idea is that I want my e-mail address to be difficult to parse for spam bots. I now suspect that this is largely antiquated for two reasons:
- I suspect that spam bots are much more sophisticated than they used to be. Further, I suspect that there are plenty of places (e.g. my university's directory) where my e-mail address is listed without any protections.
- My university e-mail is routed through a fairly good spam filter.
Since the code is there, though, we might as well use it. The idea is that there should be no line that looks like an easy-to-parse e-mail address. This solution uses style sheets (hence we have to include cryptedmail.css
in our list of CSS files)
Here's what goes into the contact.html
template (which you've copied from the themes
folder into the layouts
<!-- FLIP 2019 -->
<!-- from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/41566570 -->
{{ with $.Site.Params.email1 }}
<i class="fa-li fas fa-envelope fa-2x" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span id="person-email" itemprop="email">
<a data-name="{{ $.Site.Params.email1 }}" data-domain="{{ $.Site.Params.email2 }}" data-tld="{{ $.Site.Params.email3 }}" href="#" class="cryptedmail" onclick="window.location.href = 'mailto:' + this.dataset.name + '@' + this.dataset.domain + '.' + this.dataset.tld"></a>
{{ end }}
<!-- /FLIP 2019 -->
This defines new site parameters: email1
, email2
, and email3
. You should define those in params.toml
email1 = "flip.tanedo" # using cryptedmail/
email2 = "ucr" # using cryptedmail
email3 = "edu" # using cryptedmail
You can also go ahead and comment out the old e-mail call.
Note that flip2018.css
includes a little bit of additional styling for e-mails. It uses the Titillium Web
font (loaded in flipfont.toml
font-family: 'Titillium Web', sans-serif;
font-family: 'Titillium Web', sans-serif;
now the site should be up and running. We just needs to update menu.toml
to make sure we reference each section.
The steps above focused on getting the front page set up. All of the widgets appeared in some specified order on index.html
. What if we'd like to make another static page?
A good template for this is the /content/talk/
subdirectory. It contains an index.md
markdown page with content:
title: Recent & Upcoming Talks
# View.
# 1 = List
# 2 = Compact
# 3 = Card
view: 2
# Optional header image (relative to `static/img/` folder).
caption: ""
image: ""
This content shows up at /talk/
relative to the site root.