AWS CDK / TypeScript
DynamoDB / DynamoDB Stream / API Gateway / API Gategay WebSocket / Lambdas / SQS / Step Functions
- Install AWS CLI
- Install AWS CDK CLI
npm install -g aws-cdk
- Create the
file from./.env.sample
- run
cdk bootstrap
- Compile the typescript
make build
- See have any error and the output of what will be build in the cloud
make build
- Deploy to env
make deploy
- See the table name in the CDK CloudFormation Output:
NomadCmsStack.MenuTableOutput = XXXX
- Update
with the table name. - Seed the Restaurant Menu: run
aws dynamodb batch-write-item --request-items file://data/menu-items.json
Model of order Payload
"restaurantID": "d471fe1e-521a-48cf-bb80-2a8ab79c2457",
"menuID": "ee367e37-34d1-4126-881f-43c77d792284",
"orderItems": [
"quantity": 2,
"productID": "c65796e8-0806-4bca-950a-ebc3db101707",
"name": "Burguer 1",
"value": "8.69"
"quantity": 1,
"productID": "13b3e55b-e3c0-46b8-93b1-8022abca2f75",
"name": "Burguer 2",
"value": "6.5"
"quantity": 2,
"productID": "42020fcd-46ed-47bc-9a23-9dd00b126560",
"name": "Soda",
"value": "2.75"
"total": "29.38"
The response from the command needs to be
"UnprocessedItems": {}
Teste the websocket: (install npm install -g wscat
Copy the output of NomadCmsStack.ordersWebsocketOutput
run wscat -c PASTE_OUTPUT_HERE
The response needs to be
Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
Any insert in the orders table will appears here.
- run
make destroy
to destroy all the cloud resources