Templates for creating templated swift 4 code for the VIPER architecture.
This project is a significant adaptation and reworking of the work provided by Juanpe Catalán's Swift-VIPER-Module.
In terminal, run the install script from the repository's main directory:
swift install.swift
You should be this output message:
Attempting to install templates from ...
-- iOS templates --
✅ Module Template installed succesfully 🎉.
-- MacOSX templates --
✅ Module Template installed succesfully 🎉.
After using VIPER, I've found it to be very beneficial in many ways. Let’s get back to the list of things we set out to accomplish when architecting our app to see if VIPER addresses them.
- Easy to iterate on
- Collaboration friendly
- Separated out concerns
- Spec-ability
- iOS Architecture Patterns
- #8 VIPER to be or not to be?
- https://www.objc.io/issues/13-architecture/viper/
- https://www.ckl.io/blog/ios-project-architecture-using-viper/
- https://useyourloaf.com/blog/creating-custom-xcode-project-templates/
- http://www.learn-cocos2d.com/store/xcode4-template-documentation