Gearnode is a Node.JS client/worker module for Gearman.
NB! check out another Gearman library of mine node-gearman which is somewhat more simple than this one.
npm install gearnode
Tests are run with nodeunit
Tests expect a Gearman daemon running on port 7003
var Gearnode = require("gearnode");
worker = new Gearnode();
worker.addServer(); // use localhost
worker.addFunction("upper", "utf-8", function(payload, job){
var response = payload.toUpperCase();
var Gearnode = require("gearnode");
client = new Gearnode();
var job = client.submitJob("upper", "hello world!", {encoding:'utf-8'});
job.on("complete", function(handle, response){
console.log(response); // HELLO WORLD!
var Gearnode = require("gearnode");
var gearnode = new Gearnode();
gearnode.addServer([host][, port])
- host is the hostname of the Gearman server (defaults to localhost);
- port is the Gearman port (default is 4730)
gearnode.addServer(); // use default values
gearnode.addServer("gearman.lan", 7003);
Exceptions are not sent to the client by default. To turn these on use the following command.
- callback is an optional callback function with params error if an error occured and success which is true if the command succeeded
client = new Gearnode();
client.addServer(); // use default values
job = client.submitJob("reverse", "Hello world!");
job.on("error", function(exception){
Worker ID's identify unique workers for monitoring Gearman.
- id is a string that will act as the name for the worker
worker = new Gearnode();
worker.addServer(); // use default values
gearnode.submitJob(func, payload[, options])
- func is the function name
- payload is either a String or a Buffer value
- options is an optional options object (see below)
Possible option values
- encoding - indicates the encoding for the job response (default is Buffer). Can be "utf-8", "ascii", "base64", "number" or "buffer"
- background - if set to true, detach the job from the client (complete and error events will not be sent to the client)
- priority - indicates the priority of the job. Possible values "low", "normal" (default) and "high"
Returns a Client Job object with the following events
- created - when the function is queued by the server (params: handle value)
- complete - when the function returns (params: response data in encoding specified by the options value)
- fail - when the function fails (params: none)
- error - when an exception is thrown (params: error string)
- warning - when a warning is sent (params: warning string)
- status - when the status of a long running function is updated (params: numerator numbber, denominator number)
- data - when partial data is available (params: response data in encoding specified by the options value)
client = new Gearnode();
client.addServer(); // use default values
job = client.submitJob("reverse", "Hello world!", {encoding:"utf-8"});
job.on("complete", function(response){
console.log(response); // !dlrow olleH
job.on("fail", function(){
console.log("Job failed :S");
gearnode.addFunction(func_name[, encoding], worker_func)
- func_name is the name of the function to be created
- endocing is the input encoding (default is buffer)
- worker_func is the actual worker function
worker_func = function(payload, job)
- payload is the data sent by the client and in the encoding specified with addFunction
- job is a Gearman Job object that can be used to send data back
Worker Job object has the following methods
- complete(response) - send the result of the function back to the client
- error(error) - throw an exception (and end the job with failed status)
- fail() - end the function without response data when the function failed
- warning(warning) - send a warning message to the client
- data(response) - send a partial response data to the client
- setStatus(numerator, denominator) - send a progress event to the client
var Gearnode = require("gearnode");
var worker = new Gearnode();
worker.addFunction("sqr", "number", function(payload, job){
if(payload < 0){
job.warning("Used number is smaller than zero!");
job.complete(payload * payload);
When the connection is lost a "disconnect" event is emitted to the client/worker
worker.on("disconnect", function(server){
console.log("Connection lost from "+server_name);