mnemosine ( vocabulary for NoW course
stupid simple usage:
- download the norsk_chapterx_topic.txt files you want (easiest through "Download ZIP", on the right)
- fire up mnemosine
- import from file (tab-separated text files)
- use the file name as tag, replace '_' by '::', e.g. file 'norsk_chapter1_numbers.txt' => tag 'norsk::chapter1::numbers'
- have fun and check again for updates ;)
stupid simple updates:
- create/change update your vocabulary
- use Ctrl+D to open the deactivate cards dialog
- uncheck "All tags" on the right, and make sure that "having any of these tags" is selected
- check the tag you want to export (leaf of the tree)
- close the dialog with ok
- use file, export to export a tab-separated text file
- use the naming scheme as above, e.g. tag 'norsk::chapter1::numbers' => file 'norsk_chapter1_numbers.txt'
- send me the file, I'll check it into the repo (if it's good :p)
better usage (you'll need to learn some really handy stuff, though)
- use git, make yourself familiar with it. an easy start could be
- git clone
- create a fork and send me pull requests, if you want to modify
=> you'll get all the advantages of version control:
- complete control over the updates you pull and want/don't want to use from my repo
- your own modifications, as you want them (e.g. non-swiss-german-style pronounciation hints)
- automatic difference comparisons, and a complete history of all versions of the vocabulary
- could be handy for any following latex thesis etc..