Simple liquid filter to raise build-time errors from liquid code
This plugin is available as a RubyGem.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile
gem 'jekyll-raise_liquid_error'
And then execute the bundle
command to install the gem.
Alternatively, you can also manually install the gem using the following command:
$ gem install jekyll-raise_liquid_error
After the plugin has been installed successfully, add the following lines to your _config.yml
in order to tell Jekyll to use the plugin:
- jekyll-raise_liquid_error
In your markup, use the raise_error
liquid filter anywhere the compiler should never land at build time:
{{ 'Error Message: something is wrong with your site' | raise_error }}
This will make your build fail with the error message you defined along with the location of the markup file involved.
{%- if your_var != nil -%}
{{'Variable your_var expected to be nil, but was: ' | append: your_var | raise_error }}"
{%- endif -%}
This will fail your build (if external plugins are allowed, e.g. locally) and give you some hint what went wrong.
If you know anything more about ruby and can improve this snippet (e.g. adding working tests), please fork this repository and issue a pull request.
I just packaged this snippet from
to get a valid Gem. All kudos to mdlincoln.
License: MIT