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TypeScript library boilerplate

A boilerplate for TypeScript libraries. Webpack, tests, Typedoc. Just clone, run npm i and start build your TypeScript library 🔥

Change MyLib in three files: .eslintrc, examples/developing/main.js, webpack/common.config.js.


  • npm start and npm run dev - run a server with hot reloading available at localhost:8080.
  • npm test and npm run watch:test - run tests with Karma. Single run and watch mode.
  • npm run build - builds and minifies your library. Also generates documentation using Typedoc. Builds in UMD format, so it can be used both in browser and Node.js.
  • npm run typedoc - generates documentation.
  • npm run check-updates - checks dependendency updates.

Alexey Karpov