Greenbone Security Assistant (GSA) 20.8.0
20.8.0 - 2020-08-11
Added reload timer to feedstatuspage and displaying when updating is in progress #2350
Added filtered links to GVMD_DATA row in feed status page #2339
Added loading indicator for CVEs on CPE detailspage #2248
Added new form validation feature, implemented on create and edit ticket dialog #1782
Added German translation for About page #1998
Added a renew session timeout icon to usermenu #1966
Added new BPM feature #1931 #2018 #2025 #2099 #2129 #2196
Added clean-up-translations script #1948
Added handling possible undefined trash in case of an error on the trashcanpage #1908
Added translation using babel-plugin-i18next-extract #1808
Multistep dialog feature, implemented on scanner dialog #1725
Added handling of queued task status #2208
Do not use result filter from store on report detailspage by default #2358
Improve performance of form fields in edit scan config dialog #2354
Default to sorting nvts by "Created", newest first #2352
Disable EditIcons for data objects from feed #2346
Improve error 503 message at login #2310
Use unified solution type instead of solution type nvt tag #2268
Changed queued status color #2227
Make several NVT families selectable as a whole only in scan configs #2222
Changed future release version from 20.04 to 20.08 #2118
Adjusted task icons to use them for both tasks and audits and removed audit icons #2070
Don't use DetailsLink in ClosedCvesTable if host does not have an ID #2055
Changed NOTES_DASHBOARD_ID to fit gvmd/#1018 #2053
Change license to AGPL-3.0-or-later #2027
Moved mockprocessmap to separate file to keep tests from running multiple times #2008
Updated German translation according to the changes made in gsa8 and gsa9 #2007
Changed image, text, and layout of About page #1993 #1996 #1998
Adjusted multiselect and report listpage to use getDerivedStateFromProps instead of deprecated componentWillReceiveProps #1935
Updated react-beautiful-dnd to version 12.2.0 and fix dragging into empty row #1837
Deleting a single entity now removes its ID from store #1839
EmptyResultsReport uses the same counts as the results tab title in normal reports, when filtering for nonexistent results
#2335 , #2365
Show proper error message on report detailspage when no report format is available #2367
Don't use stored result list page filter at report results tab #2366
Fixed pagination of report results #2365
Fixed flickering reports #2359
Fixed "Hosts scanned" in report details disappearing during page refresh #2357
Fixed schedule_periods not forwarded if there is no schedule #2331
Fixed broken radio buttons in alert dialog #2326
Fixed report formats undeletable and unrestorable #2321
Fixed loading delta report detailspage #2320
Fixed spacing between radio buttons and input field in override dialog #2286
Fixed separating hosts in override dialog via comma #2280
Fixed installing the json translation files #2272
Fixed displaying asset host identifiers references #2260
Fixed sort order for recurring days for custom monthly schedule #2188
Fixed missing loading indicator for test alert button #2156
Close dialog for ExternalLink when following link #2148
Fixed license information on AboutPage #2118 #2148
Fixed state updates on unmounted SvgIcons #2063
Fixed parsing xml rejection messages #1970
Fixed returning bulk_delete response #1969
Fixed parsing DFN-Cert CVE entries #1965
Fixed credential_login in gsad request handlers #2347
Remove multistep feature from scanner dialog #2337
Removed predefined status for report formats #2111
Removed old translation mechanism #1952
Removed Agents from GSA and gsad #1903 #1905
Removed "All SecInfo" section #1685 #1695
Removed agents #1903
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