is a knife plugin that inspects your chef repo as it
compares to what is on your chef server. You can inspect your entire repo,
or individual components.
$ gem install knife-inspect
$ cd [chef repo]
knife inspect
knife cookbook inspect
knife cookbook inspect [COOKBOOK]
knife data bag inspect
knife data bag inspect [BAG]
knife data bag inspect [BAG] [ITEM]
knife environment inspect
knife environment inspect [ENVIRONMENT]
knife role inspect
knife role inspect [ROLE]
So far it checks if...
- your cookbooks are in sync
- you have uncommitted changes in a cookbook (assuming your cookbooks are in their own git repos)
- you have commits in a cookbook that haven't been pushed to your remote (assuming your cookbooks are in their own git repos)
- your data bags are in sync
- your data bag items are in sync
- your environments are in sync
- your roles are in sync