#!/usr/bin/env coffee
This is an introduction to the bot hey
prompt = require 'prompt'
Promise = require 'bluebird'
Promise.promisifyAll prompt
Make an object to hold the answers
answers = {}
ADDRESS = process.env.ADDRESS or "You can also email us at [email protected]"
HOURS = process.env.HOURS or "We are open from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday"
PROMPT_1 = process.env.PROMPT_1 or "Thank you for texting in and trying out KISST4INFO, a simple way for your customers to contact your business using text and social messaging."
PROMPT_2 = process.env.PROMPT_2
SIGNATURE = process.env.SIGNATURE or "Thank you, you can visit us on the web at http://www.green-bot.com"
SPECIALS = process.env.SPECIALS or "Do you want to become a dealer for KISST Services? Or do you want to use it for your business? Call or text 508-364-9972 to discuss your needs"
Prompt is synchronous, no need for promises.
prompt.message = ''
prompt.delimiter = ''
recordAnswer = (key, value) ->
answers[key] = value
console.log JSON.stringify answers
Submit the first two prompts
console.log PROMPT_1
console.log PROMPT_2 if PROMPT_2?
choicesSchema =
description: 'How can I help you (address, hours, specials, contact, quit)?'
type: 'string'
pattern: /address|hours|specials|contact|quit/i
message: 'Choice must be address, hours, specials, contact or quit.'
required: true
before: (value) -> value.toLowerCase()
handleChoice = ->
prompt.getAsync(choicesSchema).then (result) ->
answer = result.question
recordAnswer 'choice', answer
switch answer
when "hours" then console.log HOURS
when "address" then console.log ADDRESS
when "contact"
console.log "Thank you - we'll get back in touch as soon as possible"
recordAnswer("contactMe", "true")
.then (answer) ->
if answer is 'quit'
handleChoice().then ->
console.log SIGNATURE