Admin Console Desk made with blazor forked from AdminLte 3.0.5
Why: I want an Admin Console Desk for a product I'm working on. (October, 2020) And I like Blazor which is potentially able to beat VUE which I don't have time to learn. And I like the way how classical UserControls on windows work.
How: I wanted to fork from Blazorized by Sjef van Leeuwen ( ), but I hoped it simpler. Then I migrated the code from it and reorganized it into this project.
Special Thanks: Original creator Sjef van Leeuwen @sjefvanleeuwen
Set BlazorDesk.WebServer as startup project, and run it.
In the entire solution find & replace keyword 'BlazorDesk' into your own project name and rebuild it, should work.
As you like!
- I hope I can but I can't make everything done before I have to start my other money making project. Now a structure of the whole site was built, though dashboards are still on the way. My template allows different css and js files can be added into different pages. (2020-10-07)