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Gordon 360 User Interface

Lint and Build

The frontend of Gordon 360. This project is the user interface for Gordon College's student portal. It is a website written in React that connects to the Gordon 360 backend.



Refer to the Developer's Guide for details on developing the Gordon 360 frontend.

The process for contributing changes in GitHub is:

  1. Clone the repository to the local machine.
  2. Create a new branch with a meaningful name that pertains to the specific change being implemented.
  3. Commit to this branch, with changes focused solely on the branch's nominal purpose.
  4. Create a new pull request to ask to merge your changes into the develop branch. Write a meaningful and clear description of the purpose and content of the pull request.
  5. Once the pull request has been approved, the branch changes will be merged into the develop branch and staged for production.


The Gordon 360 website has been developed and maintained primarily by Gordon College students. For a more complete history of the Gordon 360 project, visit the About page.

In addition to the development teams listed there, we are grateful for the contributions of these Senior Projects:

  • The Student Timesheets Senior Project was developed by a trio of seniors Nathanial Rudenberg, Adam Princiotta, and Jacob Bradley. The design document can be found here. Here is the Student Timesheets Final Presentation.

  • The Apartment Applications Senior Project was developed by Josh Rogers, Christian Kunis, Gahngnin Kim, and Nick Noormand. The design document for the UI can be found here

  • The Alumni360 Senior Project was developed by Matt Ramos and Michael Xiao. The design document for can be found here