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JFreeCrud is a framework for creating three tier client server CRUD applications that runs on JSE. Spring JDBC layer is used on top of JDBC for persistance in RDBMS. Spring Remote is used for communication between clients and server.

window menu
Figure 1. Screen dump of an automatic meter reading system based on JFreeCrud

The JFreeCRUD project is a client server framework and applications that are built based on JFreeCRUD are deployed as two separate artifacts one for the server side and one for the client side. But by using Java Web Start its possible to include the client artifact in the the server distribution and only distribute an Internet short cut to the clients. The short cut locates a JNLP file that is served by the embedded web server in the JFreeCRUD server.

Server side This component contains the server side part of JFreeCRUD. To use it include the following in your pom.xml:

se.bluebrim se.bluebrim.crud.server

Client side This component contains the server side part of JFreeCRUD. To use it include the following in your pom.xml:

se.bluebrim se.bluebrim.crud.client

To try an example based on JFreeCRUD include the server and client part of the example in your pom.xml:


Due to a bug in in com.carbonfive.db.migration.ResourceMigrationResolver line: 84 its not possible to embed db migrations files in jar files. Line 84 tries to filter out directories by calling Resource.getFile(). If the resource is a part of jar file an exception is thrown.

A workaround is to copy the file: 20080115200312_create_users_table.sql from inside the jar file: se.bluebrim.crud.example.server-1.x.x.jar and put it in a resources folder under db/migrations/. Make sure that the file are copied to the target folder before running. I have experienced problems when using m2eclipse that the resource files don’t get copied.

Start the server by running the class: se.bluebrim.crud.example.server.CrudExampleServer. Start a client by running: se.bluebrim.crud.example.client.CrudExampleClient. Edit users in the master detail window.

user master detail