This is a simple of demonstration of a SNMP agent and manager written in pysnmp.
- Supports GET, SET and TRAP
- Custom MIB
Get Update
$ sudo apt-get update
Install Apache2
$ sudo apt-get install apache2
Run the Apache Service (make sure there are no errors)
$ sudo service apache2 start
Chech localhost on your browser : http://localhost
Install snmp
$ sudo apt-get install snmp
Install python-pip
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
Install snmpd (SNMP Deamon)
$ sudo apt-get install snmpd
Install standard MIBS
$ sudo apt-get snmp-mibs-downloader
Install pysnmp
$ sudo pip install pysnmp
Download libsmi module (used to compile the MIB)
Extract the module
$ cd libsmi-0.5.0/
$ chmod 777 *
$ ./configure
$ sudo make
$ sudo make install
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
For explaination of the agent code and custom MIB compilation please follow the instructions from here
Note after you build the MIB please copy it to /usr/share/snmp/mibs/ folder
$ sudo cp < mib-name > /usr/share/snmp/mibs/
Launch the monitor
$ sudo python
Open a new terminal and launch the agent
$ sudo python
Should work like a gem (if you have followed the installation properly)
This instruction is written after some experience in setting up the SNMP protocol and does not promise to cover all system realated problems faced during the installation of the same, this Repo is shared soley to facilitate a quick understanding of the snmp protocol, the level of understanding and usage of the code is left to the descretion of the user. Any harm to the host computer is regretted
The owner of the Repo does not take any credit in the content presented above. "He just made it work".