#about 130MB
cd /data/ && \
mv openpilot op_backup_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) ; \
git clone https://github.com/dragonpilot-community/dragonpilot.git openpilot -b testing --single-branch --depth=1 && \
cd openpilot/scripts/ && \
cd /data/ && \
mv openpilot op_backup_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) ; \
git clone https://github.com/dragonpilot-community/dragonpilot.git openpilot -b testing && \
cd openpilot/scripts/ && \
dragonpilot is a modded version of openpilot with features including:
dragonpilot 驾驶辅助系统是一套基于 openpilot 的开源 L2 級驾驶系统软件,它可以升級您原车的 ACC (自适应巡航) 以及 LKAS (车保保持辅助) 至接近特斯拉 Autopilot 的等級。dragonpilot 在 openpilot 的基础上加入更多定制化的功能,目前有
- Multi-language interface (Fully support: English, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, partial support: Japanese, Korean, French, Portuguese, German)
- 多语言介面(目前支援:英文、简体、繁体,部分支援:日文、韩文、法文、葡萄牙语)
- drive recording.
- 不间断行车记录
- Configurable driving UI.
- 可设定的行车界面
- Auto Shutdown.
- 自动关机
- Temporarily disable steering control when Turn signal / direction light is on.
- 打转向灯/方向灯暂时取消方向盘控制
- Disallow AI training video recording.
- 停止AI 训练记录
- Disallow upload of AI training video recording.
- 取消AI 训练记录上传
- Allow gas/throttle access while engaging.
- dp 控制时可踩油门
- Full Speed Fan Mode.
- 全时高速风扇模式
- Ability to disable driver monitoring.
- 取消驾驶员监控
- ACC Only Mode: No steering assist.
- 仅ACC 模式:让dp 只操控油门/刹车
- Integrated with TOM TOM Speed Camera (Global) / Autonavi (China) / Ainvest (Taiwan) / Waze (Global).
- TOM TOM 测速照相/ 高德地图/ 神盾测速照相/ 位智(Waze)
- Allow Panda/C2 GPS signal passthru to 3rd Party Apps.
- 允许panda或C2的GPS信号传递给第三方APP
- Integrated with MiXplorer File Manager.
- 内置MiXplorer文件管理器
- Display WIFI IP Address on sidebar.
- 侧边栏显示无线网路IP地址
- Automated Lane Change.
- 自动变道
- Enable Hotspot/Tethering on Boot.
- 开机启动个人热点
- Adjustable Lead Car Following Profile. (longitudinal, aka Dynamic Following by @ShaneSmiskol: https://github.com/ShaneSmiskol/)
- 动态调整车距(只支援由dp 控制车速的车种,Toyota 需拔DSU,感谢@ShaneSmiskol 提供相关代码)
- Turn off screen while reversing. (by @mlp: https://github.com/martinl/)
- 倒车时关闭画面
- Turn off screen while driving.
- 行驶时关闭画面
- Custom Car Model selector. (fingerprint-less mode)
- 自定义车辆模型选择器(无指纹模式)
- Support ZSS Mod.
- 支援ZSS 模块
- Ability to use LQR on all models. (based from RAV4 tune, result may vary)
- 选用LQR 控制器(基于RAV4 调校,不同车种的效果不一)
- Dynamic gas in stop and go traffic. (longitudinal, by @ShaneSmiskol: https://github.com/ShaneSmiskol/)
- 在低速跟车时动态油门(只支援由dp 控制车速的车种,感谢@ShaneSmiskol 提供相关代码,使用说明参考http://wiki.dragonpilot.cn/cn/dragonpilot_feature.html)
- Toyota Cruise set speed available down to 7 kph. ( longitudinal control by openpilot)
- 丰田巡航速度可低于原车最低值(只支援由dp 控制车速的丰田车,使用说明参考http://wiki.dragonpilot.cn/cn/dragonpilot_feature.html)
We support the following additional car models (v0.6.4+): 除了官方支持的车型外,dp (0.6.4以上版本) 还支持以下车款:
- China Honda Inspire Hybrid by KT
- 大陆版东风本田Inspire 混动by KT
- China Honda Accord Hybrid
- 大陆版本田雅阁混动
- China 2018 Toyota Camry 2.0 by Rming
- 大陆版2018 丰田凯美瑞 2.0 by Rming
- China 2018 Toyota Highlander by toyboxZ
- 大陆版2018 T丰田汉兰达 by toyboxZ
- China 2018 Toyota Camry by 笨木匠
- 大陆版2018 丰田凯美瑞 by 笨木匠
- China 2020 Toyota RAV4 by 笨木匠
- 大陆版2020 丰田 RAV4 by 笨木匠
- China 2019 Toyota Levin (Petrol) by Shell
- 大陆版2019 丰田雷凌(汽油版) by Shell
- China 2019 Lexus RX300 by cafe
- 大陆版2019 Lexus RX300 by cafe
- China 2019 Toyota Corolla (Petrol) by Shell
- 大陆版2019 Toyota 卡罗拉(汽油版) by Shell
- Taiwan 2016 Toyota Prius by Philip
- 台湾版2016 Toyota Prius by Philip
- Taiwan 201? Toyota RAV4 4WD 5th Gen by Philip
- 台湾版201? Toyota RAV4 4WD 5th Gen by Philip
- Taiwan 2020 Toyota Auris w/ LTA by Philip
- 台湾版2020 Toyota Auris w/ LTA by Philip
- Taiwan 2017 Lexus IS200t by Philip / Cody Dai
- 台湾版2017 Lexus IS200t by Philip / Cody Dai
- Taiwan 2019 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid by MaxDuan
- 台湾版2019 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid by MaxDuan
- Taiwan 2019 Toyota RAV4 by MaxDuan / CloudJ
- 台湾版2019 Toyota RAV4 by MaxDuan / CloudJ
- Taiwan 2019 Toyota Corolla Altis by wlee72
- 台湾版2019 Toyota Corolla Altis by wlee72
- Taiwan Lexus CT200h by CloudJ
- 台湾版Lexus CT200h by CloudJ
- Taiwan Toyota Prius 4.5 Gen by Lin Xin Hong
- 台湾版Toyota Prius 4.5 代by Lin Xin Hong
- Taiwan 2017 Lexus GS450h by 簡銘佑
- 台湾版2017 Lexus GS450h by 简铭佑
- Poland 2015 Lexus NX200T by wabes
- 波兰版2015 Lexus NX200T by wabes
- Volkswagen MQB/PQ platform (special thanks to @jyoung8607 & @dingliangxue)
- 大众MQB / PQ平台车型(特别感谢@jyoung8607 和@dingliangxue) 使用画面截图
- SSH into your device 通过SSH方式连接并进入你的设备(手机)
- Switch to /data/ directory
切换到/data/ 文件夹
cd /data
- back up existing openpilot (optional)
mv openpilot op_backup_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
- download dragonpilot development version to openpilot directory from github or gitee:
载dragonpilot 开发版并存至openpilot 资料夹(2 选1):
- github
git clone https://github.com/dragonpilot-community/dragonpilot.git openpilot -b testing --single-branch --depth=1
- gitee
git clone https://gitee.com/dragonpilot-community/dragonpilot.git openpilot -b testing --single-branch --depth=1
- switch into openpilot directory
切换到openpilot 的文件夹
cd openpilot
- update git repository again just in case
更新git 资料库
git pull
- Reboot
Please reboot again if you have display issue. (Chinese / Japanese / Korean only) 如果遇到显示问题,请重启. (中文 / 日文 / 韩文 的时候)
- switch to /data/openpilot directory
切换至/data/openpilot 文件夹
cd /data/openpilot/scripts/
- run update command
- docs: Manual
- 说明文件
- testing: Alpha quality - (i18n,Based on openpilot devel-staging/devel branch + customisation + new features, may contain bugs/errors)
- 抢鲜版- (英文,基于官方devel-staging/devel 版+ 定制化功能,可能会有问题、错误)
- feature-????: new feature testing branch - (i18n,based on dp testing branch + customisation + new features, may contain bugs/errors)
- 新功能测试版- (英文,基于dp testing 版+ 新功能测试,可能会有问题、错误)
- devel-i18n: beta quality - (i18n, based on dp testing branch, less bugs/errors)
- 开发版- (多语言版,基于dp testing 版)
- ?.?.?-i18n: stable release - (i18n, based on devel-i18n branch, more stable than devel-i18n but may still contain bugs/errors)
- 稳定版- (多语言版,测试过的devel-i18n)
Always stick with beta/stable version unless you know what you are doing. 其它没有说明的分支为测试功能版,非必要请勿使用