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How to create a new release

Joshua Park edited this page Mar 18, 2024 · 2 revisions

This is really for me to remember what I need to do but feel free to read up on it.

Build & Notarize

  1. Create Archive from Xcode
    1. Product > Archive
    2. Distribute App > Direct Distribution
    3. After app is code signed & notarized, export app
  2. Create dmg: create-dmg "./Front"
  3. Notarize dmg: xcrun notarytool submit "./Front Row.dmg" --keychain-profile "AC_PASSWORD" --wait
  4. Staple ticket: xcrun stapler staple "./Front Row.dmg"

Publish Update

  1. Create release on GitHub
  2. Retrieve release published_at date from here
  3. Cryptographically sign update: Sparkle-for-Swift-Package-Manager/bin/sign_update "./Front Row.dmg"
  4. Update appcast.xml with date and signature info
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