An Websocket server & client written by go-netty
go get
type Websocket
func NewWebsocket(options ...Option) *Websocket
func (ws *Websocket) Close() error
func (ws *Websocket) Listen(addr string) error
func (ws *Websocket) Open(addr string) (Conn, error)
func (ws *Websocket) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (ws *Websocket) UpgradeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (Conn, error)
type Option
func WithAsyncWrite(writeQueueSize int, writeForever bool) Option
func WithBinary() Option
func WithBufferSize(readBufferSize, writeBufferSize int) Option
func WithCompress(compressLevel int, compressThreshold int64) Option
func WithClientHeader(header http.Header) Option
func WithDialer(dialer Dialer) Option
func WithMaxFrameSize(maxFrameSize int64) Option
func WithNoDelay(noDelay bool) Option
func WithServerHeader(header http.Header) Option
func WithServeMux(serveMux *http.ServeMux) Option
func WithServeTLS(tls *tls.Config) Option
func WithValidUTF8() Option
does not support mixed text messages and binary messages, use theWithBinary
option to switch to binary message mode.
// create websocket instance
var ws = nettyws.NewWebsocket()
// setup OnOpen handler
ws.OnOpen = func(conn nettyws.Conn) {
fmt.Println("OnOpen: ", conn.RemoteAddr())
// setup OnData handler
ws.OnData = func(conn nettyws.Conn, data []byte) {
fmt.Println("OnData: ", conn.RemoteAddr(), ", message: ", string(data))
// setup OnClose handler
ws.OnClose = func(conn nettyws.Conn, err error) {
fmt.Println("OnClose: ", conn.RemoteAddr(), ", error: ", err)
fmt.Println("listening websocket connections ....")
// listen websocket server
if err := ws.Listen("ws://"); nil != err {
// create websocket instance
var ws = nettyws.NewWebsocket()
// setup OnOpen handler
ws.OnOpen = func(conn nettyws.Conn) {
fmt.Println("OnOpen: ", conn.RemoteAddr())
conn.Write([]byte("hello world"))
// setup OnData handler
ws.OnData = func(conn nettyws.Conn, data []byte) {
fmt.Println("OnData: ", conn.RemoteAddr(), ", message: ", string(data))
// setup OnClose handler
ws.OnClose = func(conn nettyws.Conn, err error) {
fmt.Println("OnClose: ", conn.RemoteAddr(), ", error: ", err)
fmt.Println("open websocket connection ...")
// connect to websocket server
if _, err := ws.Open("ws://"); nil != err {
// create websocket instance
var ws = nettyws.NewWebsocket()
// setup OnOpen handler
ws.OnOpen = func(conn nettyws.Conn) {
fmt.Println("OnOpen: ", conn.RemoteAddr())
// setup OnData handler
ws.OnData = func(conn nettyws.Conn, data []byte) {
fmt.Println("OnData: ", conn.RemoteAddr(), ", message: ", string(data))
// setup OnClose handler
ws.OnClose = func(conn nettyws.Conn, err error) {
fmt.Println("OnClose: ", conn.RemoteAddr(), ", error: ", err)
fmt.Println("upgrade websocket connections ....")
// upgrade websocket connection from http server
http.Handle("/ws", ws)
// listen http server
if err := http.ListenAndServe(":9527", nil); nil != err {