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Guillaume Bougard edited this page Dec 10, 2021 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the glpi-agent wiki!

GLPI Agent is an agent which can communicate with a GLPI server.

As it is based on FusionInventory agent, it supports to communicate with FusionInventory plugin for GLPI and will be kept fully compatible in its 1.x versions.

It was initially forked from FusionInventory Agent v2.6 but includes many features:

  • Certified Windows MSI packaging based on Strawberry Perl MSI packaging
  • MacOSX packaging provides PKG & DMG archives supporting at least MacOSX 10.10 with latest perl & openssl included
    • Fully Gatekeeper compliant: Binaries, packages and archives are signed and notarized
    • Apple Silicon is also supported: Dedicated packages are tagged as arm64 arch
  • linux packaging is provided via a snap package and RPM & DEB packages
    • a linux installer embedding packages and only requiring perl can simplify installation and configuration on linux platforms
  • WSL virtualization support on win32
  • Fixed snap inventory on linux
  • Bug fixes and other minor features are listed in the changelog
  • New ToolBox dedicated web interface to:
    • start local inventory task or NetDiscovery and NetInventory tasks
    • manage dedicated credentials and IP ranges
    • manage new MibSupport Configuration plugin permitting to dynamically update a SNMP inventory
    • manage CustomFields configuration provided by dedicated FusionInventory plugin update and Fields plugin
    • basically list inventory, netdiscovery and netinventory results with CustomFields support
    • create and download an archive will all generated inventories for later usage with injector
  • Enhanced MibSupport to support Configuration plugin managed via ToolBox
  • GLPI Agent protocol supporting JSON inventory format specs and GLPI enhanced, useful to be used with native inventory included in GLPI 10
  • Databases inventory:
    • Supported databases:
      • MySQL/MariaDB if mysql command is found
      • MSSQL if sqlcmd or /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd command is found
      • PostgreSQL if psql command is found
      • MongoDB if mongo or mongosh command is found
      • Oracle if sqlplus command is found
      • DB2 if db2ls command is found
    • Credentials can be provided by a server plugin to request remote or local database services
  • Agent-less inventory to inventory computers remotely:
    • via ssh for linux/unix
    • via WinRM for win32 platforms
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