KU Leuven
- Leuven, Belgium
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/gkouros/
- @gkouros1
- Pro
ref-dvgo Public
Ref-DVGO: Reflection-Aware Direct Voxel Grid Optimization for an Improved Quality-Efficiency Trade-Off in Reflective Scene Reconstruction, ICCV23 TRICKY Workshop (Oral)
nmf Public
Forked from half-potato/nmfOur method takes as input a collection of images (100 in our experiments) with known cameras, and outputs the volumetric density and normals, materials (BRDFs), and far-field illumination (environm…
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedApr 12, 2024 -
refnerf-pytorch Public
An unofficial port of the JAX-based Ref-NeRF code release to PyTorch
nerf Public
Forked from bmild/nerfCode release for NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields)
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJul 1, 2023 -
NeMo Public
Forked from Angtian/NeMoFork of the official implementation of NeMo: Neural Mesh Models of Contrastive Features for Robust 3D Pose Estimation [ICLR-2021]. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2101.12378.pdf
dinov2 Public
Forked from facebookresearch/dinov2PyTorch code and models for the DINOv2 self-supervised learning method.
Python Other UpdatedMay 16, 2023 -
Voxurf Public
Forked from wutong16/Voxurf[ ICLR 2023 Spotlight ] Pytorch implementation for "Voxurf: Voxel-based Efficient and Accurate Neural Surface Reconstruction"
Python Other UpdatedMay 11, 2023 -
path-smoothing-ros Public
A cubic spline interpolator for path smoothing. Compatible with ROS.
contrastive-pose-retrieval Public
Code for the paper "Category-Level Pose Retrieval with Contrastive Features Learnt with Occlusion Augmentation"
multinerf Public
Forked from google-research/multinerfA Code Release for Mip-NeRF 360, Ref-NeRF, and RawNeRF
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 29, 2022 -
bundle-adjusting-NeRF Public
Forked from chenhsuanlin/bundle-adjusting-NeRFBARF: Bundle-Adjusting Neural Radiance Fields 🤮 (ICCV 2021 oral)
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 22, 2022 -
nerf-pytorch Public
Forked from yenchenlin/nerf-pytorchA PyTorch implementation of NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields) that reproduces the results.
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 20, 2022 -
datasetGAN_release Public
Forked from nv-tlabs/datasetGAN_releaseFork of datasetGAN_release
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 15, 2022 -
PoseContrast Public
Forked from YoungXIAO13/PoseContrast(3DV 2021 oral) PyTorch implementation of paper "PoseContrast: Class-Agnostic Object Viewpoint Estimation in the Wild with Pose-Aware Contrastive Learning"
Neural-PIL Public
Forked from cgtuebingen/Neural-PILNeural-PIL: Neural Pre-Integrated Lighting for Reflectance Decomposition - NeurIPS2021
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 14, 2022 -
NeRD-Neural-Reflectance-Decomposition Public
Forked from cgtuebingen/NeRD-Neural-Reflectance-DecompositionNeRD: Neural Reflectance Decomposition from Image Collections - ICCV 2021
mipnerf-pytorch Public
Forked from AlphaPlusTT/mipnerf-pytorchmipnerf-pytorch and under development
Python UpdatedJun 10, 2022 -
waypoint-global-planner Public
A global planner that generates a path using manually inserted waypoints. Compatible with move_base.
dataset-api Public
Forked from ApolloScapeAuto/dataset-apiThe ApolloScape Open Dataset for Autonomous Driving and its Application.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 11, 2021 -
nh_dwa_local_planner Public
Contains a base local planner for Four-Wheel-Steer(FWS) robots.
Assignment solutions for the course of Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing at KU Leuven
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 24, 2021 -
gaev-mai-kuleuven Public
A genetic algorithm for solving the Travelling Salesman Problem as part of the Project for the course of Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing at KU Leuven
dotfiles Public
My configuration files for bash, vim etc and automated installation.
Vim Script UpdatedFeb 8, 2021 -
ackermann-drive-teleop Public
ROS keyboard and joystick teleoperation scripts for robots with ackermann steering
executive_smach_visualization Public
Forked from ros-visualization/executive_smach_visualizationA ROS-based introspection tool for visualizing the structure and state of SMACH plans.
Python UpdatedJul 17, 2020 -
Contains notes and assignment solutions for the Robotics Perception MOOC offered by coursera
gkouros.github.io Public
(WIP) A professional web page showcasing some of my work
JavaScript UpdatedApr 5, 2020 -
rsband_local_planner Public
A ROS move_base local planner plugin for Car-Like robots with Ackermann or 4-Wheel-Steering.