For CSC 525 course (Principles of Computer Networking) taught by Beichuan Zhang during Fall 2021 (graduate @ UArizona), we built a software router that ran over the network topology provided by the Virtual Network Lab hosted on a Ubuntu 14.04 server. However, I can't share the sourcecode of the project since the same assignment is given every year. Therefore, in the subfolders above, I have shared a description of what we did for the projects.
Topics covered during the course:
- Design philosophy of IP (packet switching, dynamic routing, hourglass design, and End-to-End argument)
- Intra-domain routing (RIP -- Loop Free Path Finding Algorithm; and OSPF -- D-SPF and HN-SPF)
- Inter-domain routing (BGP -- damping, routing policy, peering, network topology, Power-Laws, prefix hijacking, ...)
- IP multicast (IGMP, DVMRP, MOSPF, CBT, PIM-SM)
- Congestion control (TCP and XCP)
- Infrastructure applications (DNS)
- Overlay networks (RON, Multicast -- Narada, DHT -- Chord, P2P -- BitTorrent, CDN -- YouTube)
- Ethernet alternatives for enterprise networks (SEATTLE and PortLand DCN)
- Software defined networks (OpenFlow, Google B4)
- Future internet (IPv6 and NDN)
The reference texts I used (click on the images to visit their websites):

Equivalent courses: CS144 @ Stanford | COS461 @ Princeton | CS118 @ UCLA | CSE123 @ UCSD | COMPSCI356 @ Duke | CMSC23320 @ UChicago.