- Run setup.sh
- Download FaSTLMM Select from (http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/projects/mscompbio/fastlmm/) and put it in this directory.
- Download GCTA (http://www.complextraitgenomics.com/software/gcta/mlmassoc.html)
- (Optional) The real genotypes and phenotypes are made available by the WTCCC2 (http://www.wtccc.org.uk/ccc2/). To run those analyses, acquire the data from WTCCC2 and convert to eigenstrat format ((http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/alkes-price/software/).
All of the following commands should be run from the src directory in Matlab unless otherwise specified.
Runs the simulation in Table 1. Briefly, creates 100 simulated data sets with 1000 individuals and 10000 markers with p = 0.05, 0.005 markers causal and with or without population stratification. See manuscript for details.
Running this example requires real genotype data in plink binary format in the data directory. First, convert the data into eigenstrat format.
- Run a preprocessor to generate working files
n_pcs = 5;
preprocess('data/MS_ALL.geno', 'data', n_pcs);
generate_data_and_runner('../working/5k_individuals', 1, 200)
This generates a shell script that starts up many parallel jobs on an LSF scheduling system.
- Then in the shell run
sh ../working/5k_individuals/sh_src/run.sh
Runs the simulation in Table 2. Briefly, creates 200 simulated data sets with 5000 individuals and 50000 markers (subsampled from real genotypes) with p = 0.05, 0.005 markers causal and with or without population stratification. See manuscript for details.
- To plot results
res = combine_results('../working/5k_individuals/results', 200, 500, 250);
Selects the number of SNPs to include in the GRM by CV log-likelihood.
This example assumes that you are in the directory of .m files and you have a data directory with the genotypes in eigenstrat format. The phenotype is data/phen.txt and covariates are data/covars.txt.
- Run a preprocessor to generate working files
n_pcs = 5;
preprocess('data/MS_ALL.geno', 'data', n_pcs);
Creates data/GRM.mat, data/pcs.mat.
- Run CV code
top_k_choices = [10, 100, 1000, 10000];
res = zeros(length(top_k_choices), 1);
for i = 1:length(top_k_choices)
res(i) = cross_validation('data', 'data/phen.txt', ...
'data/covars.txt', top_k_choices(i), 10, 1, true);
[~, I] = min(res);
For the WTCCC2 MS data, we found that cross-validation selected all markers for both PC-Select and FaST-LMM Select. We used GCTA (http://www.complextraitgenomics.com/software/gcta/) to compute the association statistics in this case. We ran the following in the shell to do that
gcta64 --bfile data/MS_ALL --autosome --make-grm --out data/MS_ALL --thread-num 8
gcta64 --grm data/MS_ALL --pca 5 --out data/MS_ALL
gcta64 --mlma-loco --bfile data/MS_ALL --pheno data/phen.txt --out data/MS_ALL_pc --thread-num 8 --mlma-no-adj-covar --qcovar data/MS_ALL.eigenvec
gcta64 --mlma-loco --bfile data/MS_ALL --pheno data/phen.txt --out MS_ALL_no_pc --thread-num 8 --mlma-no-adj-covar
where data/MS_ALL.{bim,bam,fam} contain the genotypes and phen.txt contains the phenotypes.