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chore: update stuff

chore: update stuff #3

# name: Publish - Native Release
# on:
# workflow_dispatch:
# inputs:
# platform:
# description: Platform to build for (all/android/ios)
# type: choice
# required: true
# default: all
# options:
# - all
# - android
# - ios
# jobs:
# native-release-mobile:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# env:
# TURBO_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TURBO_TOKEN }}
# TURBO_TEAM: ${{ secrets.TURBO_TEAM }}
# steps:
# - name: 🏗 Setup repository
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: 🏗 Setup monorepo
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup-monorepo
# with:
# expo-token: ${{ secrets.EXPO_TOKEN }}
# - name: 📦 Build packages for mobile
# run: pnpm run build:mobile
# - name: 🚀 Build for mobile
# working-directory: apps/mobile
# run: eas build --non-interactive --wait --platform=${{ github.event.inputs.platform }} --profile=production