The application is available as a Docker Image. For purpose of this assessment also the database (with the data) is available as a Docker Image. Simply use the Dockercompose file to start up the application.
docker swarm init
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml [name]
Before using the application the first time, the application has to be built.
Required (version numbers are the number the application was built with):
- maven (3.5.2)
- java version "1.8.0_152"
- Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-b16)
- mongodb (3.6.3)
Build the application with mvn clean package
Start the Mongo daemon and setup the database.
mongoimport --db coin --collection assessment --jsonArray --drop --file ./address_records/address_records.json
Now run the application with java -jar ./target/CoinSearchEngine-1.0.war
The application is available at port 8080 via any internet browser (https://localhost:8080). Note that the certificate will not be trusted, as this is a 'home made' certificate which should be used during development.
See for the assessment