Statistics for forum
This repo is for the GreySec Forums data scraper and some of the gathered data. The scraper gets the username, UID, post count, and thread count of a specified number of users.
(scraper tested on Debian Buster)
Python: Beautiful Soup library (bs4)
$ pip3 install bs4
Open scraper.conf file. This controls the behavior of the script.
- uid_start - The user ID to start with. Must be an integer higher than 0.
- uid_end - The user ID to end on. Must be an integer higher than 0.
- outfile - The file to write output to. Output is JSON format. Must be relative or full path to a file. If the file exists it is overwritten.
- verbose - Verbose output shows the progress of the script. It also shows the data being gathered on each profile. Can be either true or false. Case sensitive.
To run: $ python3
$ chmod 700 && ./
"starttime": "9-9_2020-6-2",
"endtime": "10-7_2020-6-2",
"data": {
"1": {
"username": "Insider",
"postcount": "1070",
"threadcount": "277"
"2": {
- Make the HTTP requests threaded.
- Have some way for user to choose how they want to handle errors. For example, if the script fails to get a profile user could choose between having the script continue or just stop execution altogether.