mrv2 v0.6.3
Added a python plug-in system which is now documented in the
Help->Documentation. The environment variable used to look up plug-ins is:MRV2_PYTHON_PLUGINS
It is a list of colon (Linux or macOS) or semi-colon (Windows) paths.
Plug-ins are defined, like:class Plugin: def hello(self): print("Hello from plug-in!") def menus(self): menus = { ("New Menu/Hello", self.hello) } return menus
Added a plug-in for demo purposes.
Fixed a bug in the log panel appearing compressed on start up when docked.
Allowed creation of .otio files of a single clip in Playlist Panel.
Fixed scratched frames showing up on .otio files with gaps in them.
Fixed a huge bug of preferences not hiding the different bars anymore (regression in