This repository contains a Python 3 naïve implementation of a neural network with convolutional and pooling layers, useful for educational purposes. It was tested with satisfactory results the on the well-known MNIST data set.
Alessandro and Francesco
The code makes heavy use of NumPy. Install it using pip:
~ ➤ pip3 install --user numpy
Then, download the MNIST data set (four .gz
archives) and decompress it:
~ ➤ cd Downloads
Downloads ➤ ls
t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
Downloads ➤ gzip -d *
Downloads ➤ ls
t10k-images-idx3-ubyte t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte train-images-idx3-ubyte train-labels-idx1-ubyte
Note: on Windows, as per our tests, the extracted files will have a different name of the ones showed above (e.g. train-images.idx3-ubyte
instead of train-images-idx3-ubyte
). You can either manually rename the extracted files or modify lines 10-13 of src/
Convert the downloaded data set to the NPZ binary data format using the function build_mnist_npz()
from src/
MNIST-cnn ➤ cd src
src ➤ ls
src ➤ python3 -q
>>> import utils
>>> utils.build_mnist_npz('/Users/fcagnin/Downloads')
>>> exit()
src ➤ file mnist.npz
mnist.npz: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
Finally, run any of the included examples:
src ➤ time python3 -OO mnist.npz fcl01
Loading 'mnist.npz'...
Loading 'fcl01'...
def fcl01():
net = n.NeuralNetwork([
l.InputLayer(height=28, width=28),
l.FullyConnectedLayer(100, init_func=f.glorot_uniform, act_func=f.sigmoid),
l.FullyConnectedLayer(10, init_func=f.glorot_uniform, act_func=f.sigmoid)
], f.quadratic)
optimizer = o.SGD(3.0)
num_epochs = 1
batch_size = 10
return net, optimizer, num_epochs, batch_size
Training network...
Epoch 01 [==========] [50000/50000] > Validation accuracy: 95.41%
Testing network...
Test accuracy: 95.07%
python3 -OO mnist.npz fcl01 24.10s user 4.07s system 130% cpu 21.517 total
src ➤ time python3 mnist.npz cnn01
Loading 'mnist.npz'...
Loading 'cnn01'...
def cnn01():
net = n.NeuralNetwork([
l.InputLayer(height=28, width=28),
l.ConvolutionalLayer(2, kernel_size=5, init_func=f.glorot_uniform, act_func=f.sigmoid),
l.FullyConnectedLayer(height=10, init_func=f.glorot_uniform, act_func=f.softmax)
], f.log_likelihood)
optimizer = o.SGD(0.1)
num_epochs = 3
batch_size = 10
return net, optimizer, num_epochs, batch_size
Training network...
Epoch 01 [==========] [50000/50000] > Validation accuracy: 88.86%
Epoch 02 [==========] [50000/50000] > Validation accuracy: 89.84%
Epoch 03 [==========] [50000/50000] > Validation accuracy: 89.11%
Testing network...
Test accuracy: 88.53%
python3 mnist.npz cnn01 2869.89s user 11.16s system 99% cpu 45:12.89 total