Simplesearch is a Herbie plugin that allows you to provide your website with a simple but useful search engine.
The plugin is installed with Composer.
$ composer require getherbie/plugin-simplesearch
After that, the plugin can be activated in the configuration file.
- simplesearch
Under plugins.simplesearch.config
the following options are available.
Template paths to twig templates:
formTemplate: @plugin/simplesearch/templates/form.twig
resultsTemplate: @plugin/simplesearch/templates/results.twig
Use page cache, if caching is enabled:
usePageCache: false
With the page property no_search
individual pages can be excluded from the search.
The page properties for such a page look like this:
title: My page
no_search: true
A complete search page looks like this:
title: Search
cached: false
hidden: true
# Search
{{ simplesearch_form() }}
{{ simplesearch_results() }}
A live demo can be viewed at