- This is a react app that displays todo items.
- It gets todo items from https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos and displays them using an array.
- If an item is completed, it is marked with a line-through and not marked otherwise
- It is being hosted on https://todo-team.netlify.com. Make your contributions and send your pull requests with a netlify preview URL.
- Make sure you have git, nodejs and npm installed on your machine
- Clone the project to your prefered folder on your machine using the terminal
- cd into the project folder
- type 'npm install' to install the necessary packages
- then 'npm start'
- Your development server will start and your project will open in your default browser(most likely on port 3000).
- React
- netlify and
- jsonplaceholder
- If you are new to netlify, check out https://www.netlify.com/docs/
- Looking forward to receiving your Pull Requests