Releases: geotribu/website
Releases · geotribu/website
Sauvegarde 2022.04
What's Changed
- Update mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin requirement from <0.13,>=0.9 to >=0.9,<1.1 by @dependabot in #551
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #552
- 🗞 GeoRDP du 4 mars 2022 by @github-actions in #546
- geopoussetR 2011 - Step 2 - relevelTitles- v2 by @mrajerisonCerema in #494
- fix/2011/2-relevelTitles-suite by @datagistips in #555
- [] Mise à jour des git hooks. by @pre-commit-ci in #557
- Article : Eclairage Public - Gestion et visualisation du réseau avec QGIS et PostgreSQL/PostGIS by @stephyritz in #550
- Bouton commentaires, lien image optim, divers liens et tipee by @Guts in #558
- Article WSL GDAL : corrige ou met à jour certaines commandes by @Guts in #560
- Run workflows only on main repository by @Guts in #556
- Ajout d'un article sur la réalisation de relevés de terrain avec QGIS et Input by @cedricr in #554
- prettymaps : une libraire python pour des cartographies OSM stylées by @Doctor-Who in #563
- Proposition ajout du tuto REM de Dan Coe by @Doctor-Who in #562
- Proposition appel à intervention aux GeoDataDays 2022 by @Doctor-Who in #564
- 🗞 GeoRDP du 18 mars 2022 by @github-actions in #553
- Update by @Michael-cd30 in #566
- Deutsh kalitat by @Guts in #567
- typo by @nicogodet in #568
- Fix icon by @Guts in #569
- CI : utilise le cache pip intégré à l'action setup-python > 3 by @Guts in #571
- Bump theme version to fix jinaj2 conflict by @Guts in #573
- Fix myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action version by @Guts in #574
- Patch RDP de l'an passé by @Guts in #575
- Fix lightbox syntax by @Guts in #576
New Contributors
- @mrajerisonCerema made their first contribution in #494
- @stephyritz made their first contribution in #550
- @cedricr made their first contribution in #554
Full Changelog: 2022.03...2022.04
Sauvegarde 2022.03
What's Changed
- Update pre-commit requirement from <2.17,>=2.10 to >=2.10,<2.18 by @dependabot in #527
- Bump slackapi/slack-github-action from 1.16 to 1.18 by @dependabot in #529
- Update mkdocs-rss-plugin requirement from <0.20,>=0.19.1 to >=0.19.1,<0.21 by @dependabot in #528
- 🗞 GeoRDP du 4 février 2022 by @github-actions in #518
- Patch rdp/2022-02-04 : Correction de l'intro by @igeofr in #533
- Ajoute un workflow de nettoyage de la prévisualisation quand une PR est fermée by @Guts in #536
- [] Mise à jour des git hooks. by @pre-commit-ci in #537
- Update mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin requirement from <0.12,>=0.9 to >=0.9,<0.13 by @dependabot in #538
- MAJ le thème et corrige les icônes FA by @Guts in #539
- Article/qgis dashboard cd14 by @Theogron in #531
- Patch coquilles articles qgis dashboard by @aurelienchaumet in #540
- correction_article_dashboard by @Theogron in #542
- Article : Ajout de la vidéo des rencontres QGIS 2022 by @igeofr in #541
- Coquille image dashboard by @aurelienchaumet in #544
- 🗞 GeoRDP du 18 février 2022 by @github-actions in #532
- Coquille description by @igeofr in #545
- Patching icons and mailmap by @Guts in #547
- Feature : renforce la confidentialité en intégrant les scripts externes pendant le build by @Guts in #548
- Typo géoséminaire by @Guts in #549
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2022.02...2022.03
Sauvegarde 2022.02
What's Changed
- Update mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin requirement from <0.11,>=0.9 to >=0.9,<0.12 by @dependabot in #500
- [] Mise à jour des git hooks. by @pre-commit-ci in #502
- Add utf8 check and autofixer. by @Guts in #505
- 🗞 GeoRDP du 7 janvier 2022 by @github-actions in #499
- Petit nettoyage en passant by @Guts in #509
- Quantifier les inégalites de traitement de la météo by @Valexandre in #503
- Correction du lien Afigeo by @igeofr in #510
- Correction du lien afigeo dans le texte by @igeofr in #511
- Article de promotion des rencontres qgis fr 2022 et des pré-requis d'ateliers by @Guts in #507
- typo article Journées QGIS FR 2022 by @nicogodet in #512
- Fix missing title 3 by @Guts in #513
- Proposition article -> 3DS : Mesurer l'impact du transfert des routes du réseau national aux Départements avec PostgreSQL/PostGIS by @Michael-cd30 in #504
- Update by @Michael-cd30 in #514
- Promo journées QGIS FR - MAJ lien et ajout formulaire parité by @Guts in #516
- 🗞 GeoRDP du 21 janvier 2022 by @github-actions in #506
- 404 sur les liens articles by @Michael-cd30 in #519
- typo description by @Guts in #520
- typo nom Jules Grandin by @Guts in #522
- fix admonition indent by @Guts in #523
- Fix some thumbnails by @Guts in #524
- Recherche : exclue les blocs auteurs de l'index et corrige l'usage des blocs dynamiques by @Guts in #525
- Feature: VS Code schema by @Guts in #526
New Contributors
- @Valexandre made their first contribution in #503
- @nicogodet made their first contribution in #512
Full Changelog: 2022.01...2022.02
Sauvegarde 2022.01
What's Changed
- Update pre-commit requirement from <2.16,>=2.10 to >=2.10,<2.17 by @dependabot in #480
- Toute petite coquille ! by @rmejean in #483
- Rdp/2021 12 03 by @MaelREBOUX in #484
- GeoRDP du 3 décembre 2021 by @igeofr in #476
- [] Mise à jour des git hooks. by @pre-commit-ci in #485
- Projet OpenMobilityIndicators, appli "mon quartier à pied" en ligne by @PatGendre in #482
- Homogénéisation et assainissement des contenus anciens by @igeofr in #462
- Issue form templates - Disable render mode by @Guts in #491
- geopoussetR 2011 - Step 1 - reformatTitles - v2 by @datagistips in #490
- Thème : MAJ vers la version 8 by @Guts in #492
- Geonews crige paca 2021-12 by @stephanerolle in #493
- GeoRDP du 24 décembre 2021 by @igeofr in #487
- Fonctionnalité : automatiser la création d'une revue de presse en donnant juste la date by @Guts in #498
- Ajout article MapSCII et bio JG by @mapperfr in #495
New Contributors
- @rmejean made their first contribution in #483
- @MaelREBOUX made their first contribution in #484
- @PatGendre made their first contribution in #482
- @datagistips made their first contribution in #490
- @mapperfr made their first contribution in #495
Full Changelog: 2021.12...2022.01
Sauvegarde 2021.12
What's Changed
- Bump reviewdog/action-markdownlint from 0.2.0 to 0.3 by @dependabot in #461
- Update mkdocs-minify-plugin requirement from <0.5 to <0.6 by @dependabot in #459
- Update mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin requirement from <2.6,>=2.4 to >=2.4,<2.7 by @dependabot in #460
- Features: newsletter by @Guts in #455
- Suppression fichiers sauvegardes inutiles by @aurelienchaumet in #464
- GeoRDP du 5 novembre 2021 by @aurelienchaumet in #452
- Housekeeping automnal by @Guts in #468
- Fiche de géo-lecture - L'enfer du numérique by @aurelienchaumet in #465
- Article tutoriel pour réaliser une carte en relief avec QGIS by @Viglino in #466
- Housekeeping automnal 2 by @Guts in #470
- GeoRDP du 19 novembre 2021 by @Guts in #467
- Correction d'une date by @igeofr in #477
- Transforme les modèles d'issues en formulaires by @Guts in #474
- Article sur les process data OSM chez Geovelo by @samDB-gv in #472
- Inclue automatiquement le glossaire dans tous les contenus by @Guts in #478
- Qualité : active markdownlint comme un git hook (pre-commit) by @Guts in #475
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2021.11...2021.12
Sauvegarde 2021.11
What's Changed
- CI: use branch in mkdocs on netlify by @Guts in #430
- Bump myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4 by @dependabot in #432
- Update mkdocs-material requirement from <7.3,>=7.2 to >=7.2,<7.4 by @dependabot in #431
- Update requirements-insiders.txt by @Guts in #433
- Article/Lien SIG-OSM by @igeofr in #422
- GeoRDP du 8 octobre 2021 by @Guts in #429
- Fonctionnalité: taxonomie by @Guts in #425
- brêve geotrek by @stephanerolle in #442
- Article pour la promotion des canaux IRC / Matrix de l'osgeo-fr - 14 10 2021 by @lbartoletti in #438
- Remove external mermaid by @Guts in #426
- retrait news geotrek by @stephanerolle in #447
- RDP-2021-10-22 / News rencontres Geotrek by @camillemonchicourt in #448
- GeoRDP du 22 octobre 2021 by @igeofr in #439
- Tiret indésirable by @igeofr in #449
- typo date geotrek by @Guts in #450
- Fix highlighting by @Guts in #451
- Correction de l'emoji troll by @igeofr in #454
- Fix/old rdps manual cleanbranch by @Guts in #456
- Remplacement du bloc auteur manuel par le centralisé by @Guts in #458
- Article : Retour vers le futur de QGIS Ganymede by @Guts in #457
New Contributors
- @camillemonchicourt made their first contribution in #448
Full Changelog: 2021.10...2021.11
Sauvegarde 2021.10
What's Changed
- Update mkdocs-macros-plugin requirement from <0.6,>=0.5 to >=0.5,<0.7 by @dependabot in #415
- Update pre-commit requirement from <2.14,>=2.10 to >=2.10,<2.15 by @dependabot in #414
- Tuto : traiter les données de la BAL avec GDAL by @Guts in #412
- GeoRDP du 10 septembre 2021 by @Guts in #416
- Update by @smermet in #419
- Ajout liens vers article et code dashboard QGIS by @Guts in #420
- Markdown linter improvments by @Guts in #418
- Articles/odk postgis 3 by @mathieubossaert in #417
- Features/material sponsored by @Guts in #424
- Mise à jour news My Planet Maps pour GeoRDP du 24 septembre 2021 by @robinbourianes-kalisio in #427
- GeoRDP du 24 septembre 2021 by @Guts in #421
- Patch by @Guts in #428
- Refonte du guide de contribution pour les revues de presse by @Guts in #402
New Contributors
- @smermet made their first contribution in #419
- @robinbourianes-kalisio made their first contribution in #427
Full Changelog: 2021.09...2021.10
Sauvegarde 2021.09
What's Changed
- GeoRDP du 30 juillet 2021 by @aurelienchaumet in #399
- Correction risque(s) by @igeofr in #405
- GeoRDP 30 juillet 2021 - Coquilles et intégrations medias by @Guts in #407
- Guide : intégrer des fichiers audio hébergés ou depuis une plateforme comme Radio France by @Guts in #406
- A propos, transparence : tableaux Google Data Studio by @Guts in #382
- Update by @Guts in #410
- GeoRDP du 27 août 2021 by @Guts in #408
- remove living data hyperlink by @Guts in #411
- article/pg2datagouv by @igeofr in #404
- Patch de l'article pg2datagouv by @igeofr in #413
Full Changelog: 2021.08...2021.09
Sauvegarde 2021.08
What's Changed
- GeoRDP du 2 juillet 2021 : News QSoccer by @benoitblanc in #384
- Lyon en 1700 by @Guts in #380
- GeoRDP du 2 juillet 2021 by @Guts in #379
- Coquille et SEO description by @Guts in #385
- Article sur la configuration de QGIS en entreprise by @haubourg in #381
- Ajoute la gestion des licences pour les contenus by @Guts in #389
- Summer patching by @Guts in #390
- Page d'accueil by @Guts in #311
- Fix contributors by @Guts in #392
- Article/fashion summer 2021 by @Guts in #393
- Update by @Guts in #394
- Update licence article vectipy by @jbdesbas in #395
- Add cache control through meta tags by @Guts in #396
- Bump Material to 7.2+ by @Guts in #400
New Contributors
- @benoitblanc made their first contribution in #384
- @haubourg made their first contribution in #381
Full Changelog: 2021.07...2021.08
Sauvegarde 2021.07
What's Changed
- Détails Mini SotM-FR 2021 by @frodrigo in #357
- Update pre-commit requirement from <2.13,>=2.10 to >=2.10,<2.14 by @dependabot in #360
- Bump actions/cache from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 by @dependabot in #361
- CI by @Guts in #363
- Update geoRDP du 4 juin 2021 La cartographie, le langage hype by @fbahoken in #366
- Petite anecdote - menu from project by @xcaeag in #368
- GeoRDP du 4 juin 2021 - Cartographier les émissions de gaz a effet de serre by @fbahoken in #365
- GeoRDP du 4 juin 2021 by @Guts in #351
- Correction d'une typo dans le lien pour la carte lego by @lbartoletti in #370
- Article ODK-Postgis 1/3 by @mathieubossaert in #362
- UI: light/dark mode switch by @Guts in #373
- Article : personnaliser le splash screen QGIS by @Guts in #298
- Remove theme switch by @Guts in #374
- Theme: fix GA integration by @Guts in #375
- Add note about photosynth by @Guts in #376
- GeoRDP du 18 juin 2021 by @igeofr in #372
- Update by @Guts in #378
- Articles/odk postgis 2 by @mathieubossaert in #377
- Article 2021-06-25 Webmapping avec R by @rxlacroix in #371
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2021.06...2021.07