Sauvegarde 2021.07
What's Changed
- Détails Mini SotM-FR 2021 by @frodrigo in #357
- Update pre-commit requirement from <2.13,>=2.10 to >=2.10,<2.14 by @dependabot in #360
- Bump actions/cache from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 by @dependabot in #361
- CI by @Guts in #363
- Update geoRDP du 4 juin 2021 La cartographie, le langage hype by @fbahoken in #366
- Petite anecdote - menu from project by @xcaeag in #368
- GeoRDP du 4 juin 2021 - Cartographier les émissions de gaz a effet de serre by @fbahoken in #365
- GeoRDP du 4 juin 2021 by @Guts in #351
- Correction d'une typo dans le lien pour la carte lego by @lbartoletti in #370
- Article ODK-Postgis 1/3 by @mathieubossaert in #362
- UI: light/dark mode switch by @Guts in #373
- Article : personnaliser le splash screen QGIS by @Guts in #298
- Remove theme switch by @Guts in #374
- Theme: fix GA integration by @Guts in #375
- Add note about photosynth by @Guts in #376
- GeoRDP du 18 juin 2021 by @igeofr in #372
- Update by @Guts in #378
- Articles/odk postgis 2 by @mathieubossaert in #377
- Article 2021-06-25 Webmapping avec R by @rxlacroix in #371
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2021.06...2021.07