A homebridge plugin that get RaspberryPi metrics, such a CPU temperature and CPU voltage (in mv)
To monitor temperature and voltage, following Raspbian packages are required:
Don't forget to assign homebridge
user to video
"accessories": [{
"accessory": "RaspberryPi",
"name": "Raspberry Pi"
If you want value timing update, you can set 'interval' attribute in minutes. Default value is 3 minutes. I recommend to use lower interval than 10 minutes.
"accessories": [{
"accessory": "RaspberryPi",
"name": "Raspberry Pi",
"interval": 1
By default, basic Apple Home app is supported. You can change behavior in Eve app with parameter homeSupport
. With value eve
, voltage will be displayed in Eve application along with temperature in room overview, but nothing will be visible in Apple Home app.
"accessories": [{
"accessory": "RaspberryPi",
"name": "Raspberry Pi",
"homeSupport": "eve"
Store temperature history to filesystem
Added support for Apple Home app (enabled by default)
Added support for temperature history
Initial release after fork of original repository