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Simple Windows input emulation, hooking, screenshot library.


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Provides the functionality below for Windows:

  • Mouse and keyboard input simulation (Input class)
  • Mouse and keyboard input hooking (Hook class)
  • Retrieving and killing processes (Window class)
  • Capturing screenshot, retrieving pixel colors, and saving as bitmap image (Screen class)
  • Running command prompt commands and retrieving output (exec function)
  • Getting current time, and stopwatch (Timer class)


Allows users to emulate mouse and keyboard input.

The following constants relate to the direction of key presses:

  • DOWN: key is pressed down
  • UP: key is released up
  • BOTH: the key is pressed then immediately released

Contains the following functions:

  • void move(int x, int y, bool relative = false, bool send = true): emulates mouse movement. If relative is false, moves mouse pointer to the pixel at (x, y), otherwise moves mouse pointer x pixels right and y pixels down from the current pointer position.
  • void scroll(int lines, bool send = true): emulates mouse wheel scrolling. Negative lines indicates scrolling up and vice versa.
  • void press(int key, int direction = BOTH, bool send = true): emulates a mouse button click / keyboard key press. key is the virtual code of the key, direction takes a constant explained above.
  • void combo(const std::vector<int>& keys, bool send = true): emulates a key combo. Given a vector of virtual key codes, press(key, DOWN, false) is called for each key in order, then press(key, UP, false) is called for each key in reverse order, then all events are sent.
  • void type(const std::string& str, bool send = true): enters a string instead of a series of keyboard inputs.
  • void type(const std::wstring& str, bool send = true): same as above, but for strings containing wide characters.

All the functions above have the parameter send. This is because all functions above first append the input event to an array, before using Window's SendInput API to inject the events. If it is intended for multiple events to be emulated successively, then it is recommended to give all but the last function call's parameter send the value of false. Alternatively, call send_inputs() when you wish for all prepared events to be injected. send_inputs() returns the number of events that were actually injected.

The constructor takes an int which defines the length of the array that holds input events. Error handling for when one prepares more events than the array can hold is currently not implemented.


Allows users to hook keyboard and mouse input. One use case is the creation of custom hot keys, similar to the functionality of AutoHotKey, whilst using C++ syntax.

Users can add functions to the Hook instance for it to be executed when certain events occur. Mouse and keyboard events are translated by Hook into Event structures, which contain the following variables:

  • key: the virtual key code of the button or key that was pressed or released. The two events that are not strictly virtual key codes are WM_MOUSEMOVE which indicates the mouse pointer's position has changed, and WM_MOUSEWHEEL which indicates the mouse wheel has been scrolled.
  • direction: true if the key was pressed, false if the key was released. When key has the value WM_MOUSEWHEEL, false indicates the scroll wheel was moved up away from the user, and true otherwise. Not applicable if key has value WM_MOUSEMOVE.
  • injected: true if the input event was injected by this or another application, false otherwise.
  • point: contains the x and y coordinates of the mouse pointer. Only applicable if key has the value WM_MOUSEMOVE

When adding to the hook, the user must provide an action function that returns a bool, and optionally a trigger function which returns an int. Both functions must take an Event structure as their only paramter.

If the function can be executed quickly (such as injecting a few keystrokes), only providing action is sufficient. It must return whether or not the event should be blocked from further propagating through Window's message queue.

Otherwise, if action is slow, a trigger function must be provided, the return value of which decides whether or not to execute the main `action function, as well as whether or not to block the event:

  • 0: action is not executed, event is not blocked
  • 1: action is executed in a separate thread, event is not blocked
  • 2: action is executed in a separate thread, event is blocked

Currently, each slow action must be completed before it can be executed again.

Below is an example of using Hook and Input together to remap the side mouse buttons to Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V

#include "hook.h"
#include "input.h"

Input input;
Hook hook; // currently only one instance of `Hook` can be created

// define an interrupt function which is evaluated before all other functions
// when it returns true, all hooks are removed
// the below function will ensure that when Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Q is pressed, hooks will be removed
bool interrupt(Event event) {
    if (event.key == 'Q' && Input::isActive({ VK_CONTROL, VK_SHIFT, VK_MENU })) {
        std::cout << "INTERRUPT\n";
        return true;
    return false;

// When side button 1 is pressed down, send a Ctrl+C key combo
// return true to block the side button 1 keypress from Windows
bool copy_a(Event event) {
    if (event.key == VK_XBUTTON1) {
        if (event.direction) {
            std::cout << "Copying\n";
            input.combo({ VK_CONTROL, 'C' });
        return true;
    return false;
// When side button 1 is pressed down, send a Ctrl+V key combo
bool paste_a(Event event) {
    if (event.key == VK_XBUTTON2) {
        if (event.direction) {
            std::cout << "Pasting\n";
            input.combo({ VK_CONTROL, 'V' });
        return true;
    return false;

int main() {
    // register the interrupt function

    // register the copy and paste functions

    // start hooking input;



Simple Windows input emulation, hooking, screenshot library.






