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Project Report

The project report (as a blogpost) can be found at

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Clone the Github / SVN repo (for people from Chair of Prof. Bast)
git clone

svn co

  1. Go to the respective working branch (Do this only if specifically mentioned by someone)

  2. Create a docker image by the following steps:

    1. Build the Image:

      docker build -t stanley-george-project .

    2. Run the container. Here we also have to mount the datasets folder if one is interested in training on the complete dataset.

      docker run -it -p 8050:8050 --gpus=all --name stanley-george-project -v /nfs/students/stanley-george/data:/app/data/ stanley-george-project

    Note: To remove an existing image with the same name, use the command:

    docker rm stanley-george-project

  3. Now that code and data is in place, let's try them:

    1. Train a spell-classifier (from application folder).

      For E.g. To train the LSTM spell classifier with context and Semi-Character encoding, execute the command:

      python -m application.lstm_spell_classifier_w_context --data_folder=data

      A table of the different input parameters that can be provided are listed in Section xx

    2. Evaluate of the test dataset.

      Execute the same file as in step (i) except set the mode to test

      python -m application.lstm_spell_classifier_w_context --mode=test

    3. Run all the Unit-tests.

      Execute the shell script which triggers all unit-test files as: ./application/

    4. Run individual unit-tests.

      All the uni-tests are in the application/tests folder. You can trigger them as below from the parent directory:

      python -m application.tests.test_lstm_spell_classifier_w_context

  4. Makefile

    1. Type make to see the possible options
    2. Type make start_app_console to start the app in the console mode
    3. Type make start_app_webapp to start the app as a Webapp made using Dash (Go to localhost:8050)
    4. Type make start_app_file_eval to start the app and test a text file
    5. Type make run_unit_tests to do PEP8 code checkstyle
    6. Type make checkstyle to do PEP8 code checkstyle

Input Arguments

Name Datatype Default Values
Semi-Character with Context
Default Values
Semi-Character without Context
Default Values
One-hot encoded with context
data_folder String data data data
output_root String results results results
input_file String dev_10.jsonl top_100_words.json dev_10.jsonl
val_file String 'bea60k.repaired.val/bea60_sentences_val_truth_and_false.json bea60k.repaired.val/bea60_words_val_truth_and_false.json bea60k.repaired.val/bea60_sentences_val_truth_and_false.json
epochs int 10 10 10
lr float 0.001 0.01 0.001
bs int 1000 1000 32
hidden_dim int 100 100 100
hidden_layers int 2 2 2
max_len int NA NA 60
lower_case_mode bool False NA False
mode String train train train
eval_model_path String trained_models/semi_character_w_context.pth trained_models/semi_character_wo_context.pth trained_models/onehot_w_context.pth
eval_file String bea60k.repaired.test/bea60_sentences_test_truth_and_false.json bea60k.repaired.test//bea60_words_test_truth_and_false.json bea60k.repaired.test//bea60_sentences_test_truth_and_false.json

Directory Structure

|-- Makefile
|-- Dockerfile
|-- results
|-- runs
|-- application
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |-- tests
|   |-- utils
|-- bashrc
|-- data
|-- trained_models
`-- requirements.txt

Folder/file definitions

Folder Description
results The output folder for an experiment gets generated here and houses the saved models and log files
runs Contains the tensorboard metrics logs.
application Contains the important codes related to our application
data The data files needed which serve as input to our models
trained_models Contains the pretrained models which can be used for evaluation purpose.


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