- Kim Soohwan
- Inha University Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering (2021.03 ~ ing)
- Inha University IT service team working student (2024.03 ~ ing)
I am a person who wants to become a better person than yesterday.
As a developer and person, I always aim to grow.
UMC 5th Server : Spring (2023.09 ~ 2024.02)
Data Structure Study Leader(Lead Mentor) of LANDVIBE, Inha University (2024.03 ~ 2024.07)
UMC 6th Server : Spring (2024.03 ~ 2024.07)
I-Curriculum Leader (2024.07 ~ ing)
Member of Inha University Venture Startup Academy (2024.03 ~ ing)
Cozymate Backend Dveloper (2024.07 ~ ing)