Component to rewrite webservice credential. When calling a service, its values can be overwritten using the location data type.
Starting with the GeneXus v15 upgrade 11 version, there is a new property (Non Standard), location.Configuration, that allows these parameters to be made dynamic.
In GeneXus, something like this would be programmed:
&location = GetLocation("WS_eFactura")
&location.Configuration= "Name;IDENTITY;PATH_CERT_DGI; PATH_ CERT_CLIENT;PASSWORD;URI" // This is the new property, where It pass a string in this case
//It load a query as a test for DGI
&pWS_eFacturaDataResult = &WS_eFactura.EFACRECEPCIONSOBRE(&pWS_eFacturaData)
&longvar = &pWS_eFacturaDataResult.ToXml()
A GxSoapHandler.dll assembly must be created with this project, that receives the parameters and modifies the credentials.
Additionally, this line must be added to the web.config
<add key="NativeChannelConfigurator" value="GxSoapHandler" />