Breaking Change: Sync Namespace
Breaking change: all WebXR Clients must connect to "sync" namespace instead of just the default namespace.
Example client code:
var socket = io(window.RELAY_BASE_URL + "/sync"); //CURRENT WAY
var socket = io(window.RELAY_BASE_URL); //DEPRECATED, OLD WAY
The motivation for this is that every socket that connects to the "/chat" and "/admin" namespaces would also connect to the default "/" namespace, making it difficult to tell whether a sync connection was intended and broken, or if it was a chat or admin connection. This also makes it easier to debug and log information about the sockets.
What's Changed
- v1.1.0: Private and message-based state catch-up, Sync namespace, Session.js, Connection Info, Socket Repair Center by @parseccentric in #24
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0