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SacHacks 2022 Landing Applcation

SacHacks 2022 landing web application built with NextJS, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS as took-kits along with developmental tools such as Git, Github, Yarn, Husky(*NOTYET?), and Link-staged(*NOTYET?)

Original Development By

Further Development By

Technical Guidelines

From the root directory, please comprehend the following guidelines, to make modifications or redesigning processes.

For using proper types is required in this application, any type related content should have been declared within src/<dirname>.d.ts with keyword declare type .... If you need to modify (add, remove, update) such contents, it is recommended that you first statically declare them in src/<dirname>.d.ts that the file you modify lives in.

  • pages : The files here match the route that the application will be presented in production. For example pages/index.tsx mirrors the route whereas pages/api/someEndPoint.ts mirrors the API end-point of at Any route that is not within pages/api directory should be user interface routes corresponding its filename in production. _In our application as for 2022, we did not have any api end-point necessary. So there is no pages/api defined.

  • styles : This application uses TailwindCSS, a utility CSS framework. The only file that needs to be declared & imported within our NextJS application is styles/tailwind.css. Thus, if you are NOT going to use the tailwind framework anymore, you can simply remove that import style/tailwind.css in the pages/_app.tsx file as well as deleting the styles/tailwind.css file. tailwind.config.js file is the configuration file used for our application. If you are going to continue using the same style as made by us, you should NOT remove or update the content that is already there. For more information about configuration specs, please go to TailwindCSS documentation page. Also google font APIs has been integrated. You can find its import declaration & usage within styles/font.css.

  • src : The src directory contains all the necessary react and typescript utilities for the applications such as components, data, and utils.

    • src/components : component gateway directory that contains React component types & React components. Please make sure that you keep the fileanme made here end with .tsx extension and NOT .ts. This will cause syntactic error caught by both eslint and configurations seed on tsconfig.json file in the root directory.
    • src/data : is gateway for static data used throughout the application such as routes, links, and displayable text contents. -src/utils : is where the utility functions for react components live in. Please refer to their declaration files in order to fully know their usage. src/utils/utils.d.ts

Start Development Server

Depending on the package type you use yarn or npm, run the following command to start development server on your local machine (after you properly clone & install them)

# in the root directory
npm run dev
# or using yarn
yarn dev

Preview Production Server

You can also view the production server by running the following command

npm start
# or using yarn
yarn start

Build Process

After the modifications & updates made, you can build the project by running the following

npm run build
# or using yarn
yarn build

In Production

This application in production uses a bundled static JavaScript file built within ./.next directory which is not published in the Github repository. You need an invitation to this repository in order for you to copy exact bundles, but you can always clone & rebuild using git clone ... -> cd ./<repo-name> -> yarn install or npm install -> yarn build or npm run build.

It is currently hosted in Vercel. If you are going to continue using React based framework like NextJs, I recommend that you stick with host organizations like Vercel or Netlify for your front-end application as it is free, fast, and automatic deployable using CLIs at build time.

The original domain access is not on us. We are just using their name-server. Thus you should contact the original domain purchaser for neccessary cases.


SacHacks 2022 hackathon public web application.






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