Also available on Zenodo (including
Leakage contracts have been presented in Hardware-Software Contracts for Secure Speculation and allow to capture microarchitectural leakages through side channels at the ISA-level. While ideally a processor is designed with a specific contract in mind, correct leakage contracts rarely exist for existing microarchitectures.
This toolchain allows to generate a leakage contract candidate based on a set of testcases. These test cases are automatically generated and try to surface common leakages.
Every testcase is composed of two programs which are evaluated in parallel. The simulation shows whether the two programs are distinguishable by an adversary and using the simulation trace and the RISC-V Formal Interface, possible additions to the contract, i.e. a set of contract atoms, can be extracted.
Eventually, these results are used to synthesize a contract using Google OR-Tools.
To get started, have a look at the main method of the ContractGen
To start contract generation, use the provided docker-compose.yml
in the resources
The results mentioned in the paper can be found on Zenodo.
Support for a new microarchitecture requires only a few steps:
- Embed two instances of the core in a testbench and ensure that the insturctions can be loaded into memory. Take a look at the Ibex core integration for an up-to-date example.
- Implement the adversary model and provide its observations as signals to the adversary module.
- Provide a way to extract the architectural state e.g. the RISC-V Formal Interface.
- Implement the microarchitecture as a new class in Java and provide the required functionality to compile the testbench, simulate a testcase and extract possible observations from a trace.
This project was used in the paper "Synthesizing Hardware-Software Leakage Contracts for RISC-V Open-Source Processors" by Gideon Mohr, Marco Guarnieri and Jan Reineke presented at DATE 2024.