The SilverShop module aims to provide developers with a framework for building, and customising ecommerce-based projects. It includes facilities for customers to browse products and place orders, and for administrators to manage products and orders. We've put a strong focus on testing, and thanks to TravisCI, you can see the build status of this project, running on MySQL, SQLite, Postgres, as well as a few different versions of PHP.
- Website:
- Demo:
Your contributions, and feedback are welcomed and appreciated. There are many ways you can contribute to this project. A tremendous thanks to everyone that has already contributed.
- Planning Trello Board
- Roadmap
- Live chat on Gitter! 
- SilverStripe 3.1 or higher framework & cms
- Omnipay Module + it's dependencies.
See composer.json
for exact set of dependencies.
- - for Developers & Users
To install silverstripe + shop into a directory called 'myshop', using composer, run the following commands:
composer create-project silverstripe/installer myshop
composer require -d myshop "silvershop/core:dev-master"
There are a few useful tasks that can be run via a url to help you test:
- will create cart, checkout, account, category and product pages{}/dev/tasks/PopulateCartTask
- will add products to the cart, and navitate you to the checkout
You can view various configuration options in the 'example_config.yml' file.
- Product Catalog - Products extend Page, and can be browsed within Product Category pages.
- Cart Page - For viewing and updating your cart.
- Checkout - Gather delivery/billing details and anything specific to the order. Can be single-page or multi-step.
- Online Payments - Via the omnipay module.
- Administration - Manage the catalog and orders in the CMS.
Futher functionality is provided by add-on submodules.
Don't reinvent the wheel! Get additional pre-built functionality with these sub modules:
submodule | github | add-ons | packagist |
burnbright/silverstripe-shop-coloredvariations | github | add-ons | packagist |
burnbright/silverstripe-shop-comparison | github | add-ons | packagist |
burnbright/silverstripe-shop-discount | github | add-ons | packagist |
burnbright/silverstripe-shop-dispatchit | github | add-ons | packagist |
burnbright/silverstripe-shop-enquiry | github | add-ons | packagist |
burnbright/silverstripe-shop-geocoding | github | add-ons | packagist |
burnbright/silverstripe-shop-googleanalytics | github | add-ons | packagist |
burnbright/silverstripe-shop-productfinder | github | add-ons | packagist |
burnbright/silverstripe-shop-shipping | github | add-ons | packagist |
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-search | github | add-ons | packagist |
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-extendedpricing | github | add-ons | packagist |
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-extendedimages | github | add-ons | packagist |
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-livepub | github | add-ons | packagist |
tylerkidd/silverstripe-shop-google-base | github | add-ons | packagist |
webtorque7/silverstripe-shop-shipping-matrix | github | add-ons | packagist |
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-downloadable | github | add-ons | packagist |
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-groupedproducts | github | add-ons | packagist |
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-ajax | github | add-ons | packagist |
milkyway-multimedia/ss-shop-recommended | github | add-ons | packagist |
clintLandrum/silverstripe-productreviews | github | add-ons | packagist |
milkyway-multimedia/ss-shop-inventory | github | add-ons | packagist |
milkyway-multimedia/ss-shop-checkout-extras | github | add-ons | packagist |
markguinn/silverstripe-wishlist | github | add-ons | packagist |
burnbright/silverstripe-simple-shop | github | add-ons | packagist |
burnbright/silverstripe-bootstrap-shop | github | add-ons | packagist |
You could also search addons or packgist or github for other submodules.
The code for the shop demo site is available here: