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Releases: gchq/Gaffer

Gaffer 2.2.2

21 Jun 13:40
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🎁 New Features

  • Add OpenCypher translator to GafferPop [#3222]
  • TypeSubTypeValue Seeded Query Support in GafferPop [#3234]
  • Support TypeSubTypeValue types in GafferPop Predicates [#3236]

🌟 Enhancements

  • Change GafferPopEdge id representation #3223
  • Improve Federated Store Tests to make use of properties file #3158

🪲 Bug Fixes

  • Swagger UI not always using correct server URL #3241
  • Docs links in READMEs are broken #3232
  • TInkerpop Predicates can't be serialised #3229
  • Empty hasId issue #3226
  • Fix inV() and outV() not being supported on GafferPopEdges #3219
  • Issue with HasStep filtering #3215
  • Issue with GafferPopVertex properties #3210
  • Issues with GafferPop's GetAllElements limitting on proxy stores #3209
  • FederatedStore While Operation Looping Bug #3166
  • PMD Plugin has an unnecessary warning #3157

🤖 Automation

  • Upgrade Release GitHub Action #3212

Full Changelog: gaffer2-2.2.1...gaffer2-2.2.2

Gaffer 2.2.1

09 May 15:15
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🎁 New Features

  • Add a Open Telemetry proof of concept for Operation calls #3187
  • Add config options to disable named operations and named views #3169
  • Add ability to pass extra config in gremlin queries #2996
  • Add configurable GetAllElements Limit to tinkerpop #2989

✨ Enhancements

  • Add additional tinkerpop tests to ensure config options work with FederatedStores #3200
  • Improve README and GitPod config #3192
  • Add tests to tinkerpop to ensure it works with FederatedStores #2995
  • Make tinkerpop Gaffer operation logging configurable #2994
  • Improve user auth in gafferpop #2991

🪲 Bugs Fixed

  • GafferPop not filtering edges by label #3203
  • Maven "Artifact has not been packaged yet" error #3198
  • Actions Javadoc Java versions inconsistent #3196
  • Road traffic demo REST port is not changed by POM property #3185
  • Gafferpop includes library specific classes in operation chains #3183
  • Javadoc release file copy problem #3178

Gaffer 2.2.0

21 Mar 12:09
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🎁 New Features

  • Allow different services to use different cache implementations #3094

✨ Enhancements

  • Refactor NamedOperationCacheIT #3171
  • Upgrade GitHub Actions versions #3150
  • Use depth limit rather than timeout on NamedOperationResolver #3149
  • Update the GafferPop/Tinkerpop README to reflect current implmentation #3136
  • FederatedStoreSchemaOverlapTest should have test for different serialiser #3114
  • Improve testing of the GafferPopGremlinPlugin #3112
  • Improve testing for GafferPopVertexProperty #3108
  • Refactor GafferPopGraphTest to be an IT and separate util methods #3107
  • Refactor and improve GafferPopNamedOperationService #3106
  • Add unit testing for GafferPopGraphVariables #3101
  • Add unit testing to GafferPopProperty #3100
  • Improve the testing of the GafferEntityGenerator class #3098
  • JobTracker performance should be improved #3096
  • Results should still be returned if JobTracker errors #3095
  • Improve testing of GafferPopNamedOperationService #3091
  • Improve testing of GafferPopVertex #3083
  • Add testing for GafferPopGraphFeatures #3080
  • Improve Test Coverage for GafferPopGraph #3073
  • Look into adding core tinkerpop tests #2988
  • Improve StoreProperties comments #2947

🪲 Bugs Fixed

  • Sketches deploy JAR is missing the datasketches library #3159
  • Tests for store can get a JUnit classloader error #3141
  • createExamplesFactory exception on Gaffer startup with valid config #3139
  • FileGraphLibrary no longer works with FederatedStore #3129
  • GafferPopGraph execute method doesn't catch certain exceptions #3125
  • Many tests try to check matchedVertex incorrectly #3120

🤖 Automation

  • Fix create release branch workflow regex #3113
  • Do not trigger gafferpy update #3103
  • Fix snapshot version and release Action #3086

Gaffer 2.1.0

14 Nov 11:09
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⭐ Headliners

  • Move Gaffer TinkerPop code to core Gaffer #2983

🎁 New Features

  • Create endpoint to get store type #2838
  • Create endpoint to get Gaffer version #2837
  • Create /graph/operations/all endpoint #2836

✨ Enhancements

  • Improve Test Coverage for GafferPopEdge #3069
  • Add testing to GafferPopElementGenerator #3056
  • ApplyViewToElementsFunction unnecessary with one subgraph #3053
  • Tidy up FederatedStoreVisibilityTest #3042
  • Tidy up AccumuloMatchedVertexIT #3039
  • Add cache backwards compat tests 2.1.0 #3031
  • Migrate GraphConfig code out of Graph #3018
  • Document getGetTraitsHandler in ProxyStore #3001
  • Add configuration for remote coding environments #2980
  • Upgrade Spring version #2971
  • Update sketches #2965
  • Update READMEs to link to new docs #2952
  • Improve Mockserver dependency setup #2951
  • Upgrade JUnit and related dependencies and plugins #2948
  • Make Kerberos support more configurable #2794
  • Investigate removal of repositories other than maven central from POMs #2680
  • Allow NamedOperations to reference each other #2410

🪲 Bugs Fixed

  • ToHllSketch functions do not copy from other HllSketch #3061
  • GetWalks does not work with FederatedOperations #3054
  • Cannot start spring-rest with only edges in schema #3046
  • MergeSchema is ignoring SchemaExceptions #3045
  • Change configuredMergeFunctions to storeConfiguredMergeFunctions #3038
  • Fix flaky tests #3037
  • Change update gafferpy workflow #3029
  • The federated merge function 'ApplyViewToElementsFunction' does not serialise #3025
  • Cache Reading and Writing Mismatch #3016
  • Tinkerpop module delays a full build #3009
  • NullPointerException occurs in MiniAccumuloStore if Zookeeper not set #2997
  • Codecov can generate inconsistent coverage reports #2972
  • Spring REST has multiple occurrences of org.json.JSONObject on the class path #2968
  • Some binary files missing from cache tests #2963
  • Handler for CancelScheduledJob is added regardless of if Jobs are used #2944
  • Relocate code from main to test in integration-test #2942
  • First properties are inconsistently aggregated in Accumulo #2891

🤖 Automation

  • CodeCov upload not consistent #3081
  • Add feature label to release-notes.yml #3041
  • GitHub Actions has deprecated actions using Node 12 #2977

Gaffer 2.0.0

23 May 14:42
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⭐ Headliners

  • Merge v2-alpha into develop #2958

✨ New Features

  • Update Maven Dependency plugins #2956
  • Update dependency versions ahead of Gaffer 2.0.0 release #2949

🪲 Bugs Fixed

  • Git user shows as invalid for commits made by GitHub Actions #2960

🤖 Automation

  • Fix broken codecov reports #2713

Gaffer 2.0.0-alpha-0.6

12 May 09:08
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✨ New Features

  • Remove temporary handlers from ProxyStore and add cache ITs #2936
  • Upgrade Koryphe version #2933
  • Cherry-pick constant class changes into v2-alpha #2929
  • FederatedStore to add graphs with Handlers #2909
  • Reintroduce Backwards compatibility cache tests. #2895
  • Refactor CSV Import/Export to use generators over formats, including bespoke OpenCypher formats #2873
  • Remove outdated TODO comments #2872
  • GetElementsBetweenSets can't be used in NamedOperation #2404

🪲 Bugs Fixed

  • FederatedStore RemoveGraph must clear all associated caches #2906
  • Fix FederatedStore cache collision #2903
  • FederatedStore Double Cache Persistence bug #2887
  • FederatedStore Double Cache Collision Bug #2886
  • Cache Exceptions usage and review #2865

🤖 Automation

  • Remove v2-alpha from workflows #2938

Gaffer 1.23.0

19 Apr 10:12
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✨ New Features

  • Remove redundant constants class #2914
  • bump hazelcast from 5.1.1 to 5.1.3 #2853
  • Cherry pick all operation details endpoint and tests into develop #2705
  • Add aggregation functions endpoint to rest-api #2669
  • Investigate replacing java.util.logging.Logger with SLF4J #2662
  • Cleanup inconsistent use of logging strings #2618

Gaffer 2.0.0-alpha-0.5

02 Mar 15:56
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✨ New Features

  • Improve Javadoc for getSchema and remove deprecation #2882
  • FederatedStore add port option to RealFederatedStore #2866
  • Cherry-pick bump hazelcast from 5.1.1 to 5.1.3 #2854
  • Upgrade Spotbugs configuration #2841
  • Replace getTrait usages with Operation #2581
  • Fix FederatedStore checks for DYNAMIC_SCHEMA #2580
  • FederatedStore FederatedAccess: Read Write Predicates should be AccessPredicate objects, not Strings. #2319
  • Add Edge Validation warning for directed field #2066
  • Signature of methods in SchemaElementDefinition #1804

🪲 Bugs Fixed

  • ProxyStore getTraits is static #2917
  • Cache Service Static Instance Bug #2890
  • Integration Tests schema has a groupby value that does not exist in the properties #2885
  • Problems with getOriginalSchema in Federated and Proxy Stores #2881
  • RemoveGraph errors when graphId does not exist #2880
  • New Federated StoreConfigured files cannot be set #2877
  • FederatedStore FederatedOperationHandler loosing inputs of operations #2875
  • ProxyStore Jersey dependency issues #2868
  • FederatedStore typo #2859
  • Fix ImportExportIT #2858
  • Maven failsafe plugin skipping some ITs #2850
  • Incorrect use of JUnit TempDir annotation #2849

🤖 Automation

  • Improve code analysis CI in Gaffer #2722
  • Add CI workflow for legacy Accumulo 1 tests #2693

Gaffer 2.0.0-alpha-0.4

04 Jan 14:50
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⭐ Headliners

  • FederatedStore: Generic FederatedOperation #2357

✨ New Features

  • ConcatenateListMergeFunction should return lazy iterables #2829
  • FederatedStore to send unsupported operations to subgraphs #2823
  • Bump jackson and koryphe #2781
  • FederatedStore should remove from supported operations upon RemoveGraph #2779
  • FederatedStore: Examine old style operation chain with graphIds #2773
  • FederatedStoreCacheBackwardCompatibilityTest is unclear #2768
  • FederatedStore: default Merge Mapping #2761
  • Refactor ImportCsv and create Import interface #2725
  • Refactor ToOpenCypherCsv and ToCsv #2723
  • Tests involving Hadoop/Accumulo do not work on Windows #2717
  • Add unit tests for integration test suite #2654
  • FederatedStore RemoveGraphDeleteAccumuloTableHandler #2632
  • FederatedStore script to start a real FedStore without pom and generators. #2630
  • FederatedStore: Rename addingUserId to owningUserId #2236

🪲 Bugs Fixed

  • Fix operation examples #2843
  • FederatedStore auto no output handler #2821
  • FederatedStore DiscardOutput should not be wrapped #2819
  • FederatedStore fix incorrect test refracting #2809
  • Test Federated Operation changes with Gaffers Examples and Demos #2770
  • FederatedStore: GetSchemaHandler merge error issues. #2767
  • Add more testing around Operation Output type #2755
  • Hllp is not aggregated properly with TSV #2749
  • Fix inconsistent package #2736
  • FederatedGraphStore double-caching causes desync issues in replicated deployment #2457
  • Unable to federate over 2 graphs that have different visibility properties #1834

🤖 Automation

  • Filter test logs to remove unnecessary information #2786
  • Add GitHub issue templates #2776

Gaffer 2.0.0-alpha-0.3.1

09 Sep 08:44
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⭐ Headliners

  • Enable alternative authentication to Accumulo #2614

✨ New Features

  • Move integration tests from test to main #2708
  • Create a ExportToLocalFile Operation #2707
  • ToCsv with OpenCypher format #2675

🪲 Bugs Fixed

  • Relocations missing/incorrect in shaded JARs #2748
  • Tests involving Strings fail when run on Windows #2591

🤖 Automation

  • Add capability to run tests on Windows #2711