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A PHP framework for Garrett County Government, Maryland, USA and everyone else who writes like us


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A PHP framework for Garrett County Government, Maryland, USA applications.

The framework can be used to generate a full SSR app or as a rest API. It is primarily used internally to generate APIs. Using the available extensions, a full-fledged API with Microsoft Oauth authentication can be created with no custom code.

Getting Started

The easiest way to start is to use the framework scaffolding project to start a new api and the frontend app template to start a corresponding front end application.

System Architecture

Application File System

All apps utilizing the framework for an entire lifecycle should use this file structure.

├── app
│   ├── app.php
│   ├── constants.php
│   ├── renderer.php
│   ├── router.php
│   ├── cli
│   │   ├── index.php
│   │   ├── local.bat
│   │   ├── local-debug.bat
│   │   └── prod.bat
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── app.json
│   │   └── environment.json
│   ├── controllers
│   │   └── {controller.php}
│   └── models
│       └── {model.php}
└── www
    └── index.php

When you start with the framework scaffolding project, you'll automatically start with some extra folders and tools.

├── www
│   │...
│   ├── web.config
│   ├── web-local.config
│   └── web-prod.config
├── app
│   │...
│   └── config
│       └── environment-local.json
│       └── environment-prod.json
├── scripts
│   ├── create-jwt-keys.ps1
│   └── setup.ps1
├── srv
│   ├── {env}
│   │   └── php.ini
│   ├── tmp
│   │   ├── files
│   │   ├── opcache
│   │   ├── sessions
│   │   ├── soaptmp
│   │   └── tmp
│   └── jwtCertificates
├── db
│   ├── backup
│   ├── restore-live-to-local.ps1
│   └── local-createuser.js
├── logs
└── update-production.ps1

Core Files and Application Namespacing

The webserver should point requests to /www/index.php. URL rewriting the original path to url parameter R0 is required.

CLI requests should point to /app/cli/index.php.

The framework will register namespace \app to the /app directory and requires three core files in the root of /app:




A controller method called by the router must return one of the following supported types. It should always provide a response and never end code execution manually to ensure that the entire application lifecycle is executed.

New controller response types may be added to the framework to support new scenarios by adding the type and setting up rendering methods in \gcgov\framework\renderer

  • \gcgov\framework\models\controllerDataResponse
  • \gcgov\framework\models\controllerPagedDataResponse
  • \gcgov\framework\models\controllerFileResponse
  • \gcgov\framework\models\controllerFileBase64EncodedContentResponse
  • \gcgov\framework\models\controllerViewResponse












\app\router method getRoutes() must return an array of \gcgov\framework\models\route that maps the URL path to the controller and defines authentication requirements.

    string|array $httpMethod = '', 
    string $route = '', 
    string $class = '', 
    string $method = '', 
    bool $authentication = false, 
    array $requiredRoles = [], 
    bool $allowShortLivedUrlTokens=false

The following route will map incoming GET requests to /structure to controller \app\controllers\structure method getAll. The route requires authentication and the user must have the role Structure.Read to execute the request.

new route( 'GET', 'structure', '\app\controllers\structure', 'getAll', true, [ 'Structure.Read' ] );

When loading the app via CLI, the method will be CLI instead of a normal HTTP method. CLI routes do not support authentication.

new route( 'CLI', 'structure/cleanup', '\app\controllers\structure', 'cleanup', false );

Request Lifecycle

  1. \www\index.php
  2. \app\app::_before()
  3. \app\app::__construct()
  4. \app\router::_before()
  5. \app\router::__construct()
  6. \app\router::route()
  7. \app\router::_after()
  8. \app\renderer::_before()
  9. \app\controllers\{route-controller}::_before()
  10. \app\controllers\{route-controller}::__construct()
  11. \app\controllers\{route-controller}::{route-method}()
  12. \app\controllers\{route-controller}::_after()
  13. \app\renderer::_after()
  14. \app\app::_after()


Using the framework scaffolding project, you can run the app from CLI with > app/cli/{env}.bat {url-path} Ex: > app/cli/local.bat /structure/cleanup

To enable XDebug on the CLI execution, run > app/cli/local-debug.bat {url-path} Ex: > app/cli/local-debug.bat /structure/cleanup

Framework Services


  1. Sanitize file name: \gcgov\framework\services\formatting::fileName( string $fileName, string $replacementForIllegalChars = '-', bool $forceLowerCase = true ): string
  2. Sanitize Excel tab name: \gcgov\framework\services\formatting::xlsxTabName( string $tabName, string $replacementForIllegalChars = ' ', bool $forceLowerCase = false ) : string
  3. Format DateInterval to human readable string: \gcgov\framework\services\formatting::getDateIntervalHumanText( \DateInterval $interval ) : string


Create a GUID \gcgov\framework\services\guid::create()


Get status text for HTTP code \gcgov\framework\services\http::statusText( int $code )


\gcgov\framework\services\log will automatically create and append a log in /logs with a filename equal to the channel

  • Debug \gcgov\framework\services\log::debug( string $channel, string $message, array $context = [] )
  • Info \gcgov\framework\services\log::info( string $channel, string $message, array $context = [] )
  • Notice \gcgov\framework\services\log::notice( string $channel, string $message, array $context = [] )
  • Warning \gcgov\framework\services\log::warning( string $channel, string $message, array $context = [] )
  • Error \gcgov\framework\services\log::error( string $channel, string $message, array $context = [] )
  • Critical \gcgov\framework\services\log::critical( string $channel, string $message, array $context = [] )
  • Alert \gcgov\framework\services\log::alert( string $channel, string $message, array $context = [] )
  • Emergency \gcgov\framework\services\log::emergency( string $channel, string $message, array $context = [] )

JWT Auth & Certificates

\gcgov\framework\services\jwtAuth\jwtAuth() provides all JWT authentication mechanisms. Explore the Oauth Server Service and Microsoft Auth Token Exchange extensions before rolling a new solution for authentication.

Microsoft Services

Deprecated - use instead


Comprehensive database modeling system \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb


Initiate PDO connections using SQL connection details in app/config/environment.json. It is only a small wrapper around the native PDO class.

Read user connection: new gcgov\framework\services\pdodb\pdodb(true, $databaseName)

Write user connection: new gcgov\framework\services\pdodb\pdodb(false, $databaseName)


Extensions add service or app level functionality to the app that registers them. Extensions may expose new endpoints.


A PHP framework for Garrett County Government, Maryland, USA and everyone else who writes like us





