This project is for a GUI based program which uploads MRI, EEG, and other binary data to an instance of the Neuroinformatics Database (NiDB). See NiDB project at
Pre-requisites (Windows and Linux)
- QT open-source 5.x, including QT Creator
- GCC, libstd, etc
- cmake
Windows 7 32/64-bit - Setup build environment
- Install Visual C++ 2012 Express
- Install TortoiseGit and GitForWindows
- Install CMake 3.x or newer
- Make sure all Windows and Visual Studio updates are applied
- May need to reboot a few times during all of the installs
- Open Windows Explorer, find a place to put the NiDBUploader code
- Right-click somewhere and select Git Clone... from context menu
- URL should be "". Click Ok, and the source code will be downloaded
- Open cmake-gui. Select the source directory as ~/nidbuploader/gdcm and the build directory as ~nidbuploader/gdcm-win7
- Click Configure. Select the "Visual Studio 11 2012" compiler, click Finish.
- Check off the GDCM_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS option, click Configure. Click Generate.
- Go into the ~/nidbuploader/gdcm-win7 directory and open the GDCM.sln file in Visual Studio 2012
- Go to the BUILD-->Configuration... menu option. Change the Active solution to Release
- On the main Visual Studio window, right click the ALL_BUILD project and click Build
- Go to the BUILD-->Configuration... menu option. Change the Active solution to Debug
- On the main Visual Studio window, right click the ALL_BUILD project and click Build
- The gdcm libraries will then be built
Windows 7 - Build NiDBUPloader
- Double-click the file
- The build kits should already established
- Select a Release build and build it
Linux - Setup build environment
cd ~
svn export NiDBUploader
cd NiDBUploader
mkdir gdcmbin
cd gdcmbin
make install
Linux - Build NiDBUploader
cd ~
svn export NiDBUploader /* update the code to latest version if necessary */
cd NiDBUploader
qtcreator .
Within QTCreator, build and test the project. Make sure it is a Release build.
Zip the package (Linux)
QTCreator will create a directory called something like build-NiDBUploader-Desktop_Qt_5_6_GCC_64bit-Release
. The NiDBUploader binaries will be in there. The /opt/Qt/5.3 directory may be different.
cp nidbuploader/ build-NiDBUploader-Desktop_Qt_5_6_GCC_64bit-Release
cd build-NiDBUploader-Desktop_Qt_5_6_GCC_64bit-Release
chmod 777
cp ../NiDBUploader/gdcmbin/bin/* .
mkdir platforms
cd platforms
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/plugins/platforms/* .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/ .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/ .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/ .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/ .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/ .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/ .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/libicu* .
cd ..
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/plugins/platforms/* .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/ .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/ .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/ .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/ .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/ .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/ .
cp /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/lib/libicu* .
cd ../..
zip -r NiDBUploader-<LinuxVer>-<builddate>.zip build-NiDBUploader-Desktop_Qt_5_6_GCC_64bit-Release/*