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Looks at transits between Earth and the Sun of Venus and Mercury

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Endoplanet Transit

Looks at transits between Earth and the Sun of Venus and Mercury

To get aggregated data, change personal_data_directory to the location of the aggregated data directory in this repository. To save new aggregated data, change aia_data_directory and hmi_data_directory to folders containing year data for those telescopes. These can be downloaded from JSOC. If using custom aia_data_directory and hmi_data_directory, you will likely need to save all wavelength data yourself instead of using aggregated data, unless your aia_data_directory and hmi_data_directory are the same as mine, since the aggregated data includes the absolute paths to those two directories.

Saving and Reading Aggregated Data


  • readData(planet, wavelength)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    Returns the saved data for that wavelength in list form, sorted by time

  • writeToFile(filepath, data)

    filepath is the filepath to write to

    data is the data to save

    Returns data

  • readFromFile(filepath)

    filepath is the filepath to read from

    Returns the file evaluated

    This will turn, for example, a dictionary in the file into a dictionary in python

Basic Graphical Tools

To change between inline pictures and separate windows for images, change the line starting with %matplotlib to end with either inline, qt, osx, or gtx depending.


  • showFancyImage(filepath, subplot=None, new_figure=True)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    subplot is the argument passed into matplotlib's subplot function. If subplot == None then subplot is not used.

    If new_figure is True, it creates a new matplotlib figure for the image

    It makes a sunpy map of the given file, and puts the map on screen

    Returns the map

  • showArray(array, subplot=None, new_figure=True, color_map='Greys')

    Graphs the given array using the colors from color_map

    subplot is the argument passed into matplotlib's subplot function. If subplot == None then subplot is not used.

    If new_figure is True, it creates a new matplotlib figure for the graphed array

    Returns the array

  • showHistogramOfPixelIntensities(array, boxes=50, subplot=None, new_figure=True)

    Shows a histogram of elements of the given array

    boxes is the number of separate bars to sort the elements of the array into

    subplot is the argument passed into matplotlib's subplot function. If subplot == None then subplot is not used.

    If new_figure is True, it creates a new matplotlib figure for the histogram

    Note: uses lots of ram

    Returns the array, with all nan elements set to zero

  • showImage(filepath, split=no_split, rotate=no_rotate, replace_with_zero=False, subplot=None, new_figure=True)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    split is the section of the array that is cared about (see section "Split and Rotate")

    rotate is the number of degrees to rotate the array by (counter clockwise)

    If replace_with_zero is true, it will replace the removed elements of the array with zeros, otherwise it graphs a truncated array.

    subplot is the argument passed into matplotlib's subplot function. If subplot == None then subplot is not used.

    If new_figure is True, it creates a new matplotlib figure for the graphed array

    Graphs the array from the filepath, applying the split and rotate

Working with FITS Files


  • getArrayFromFitsFile(filepath)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    If the file doesn't exist, wait for it to.

    Returns the array from the given file

  • getHeaderFromFitsFile(filepath)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    If the file doesn't exist, wait for it to.

    Returns the header from the given file

  • findFileByTimeSinceStartOfTransit(planet, time, wavelength)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    time is the time since the start of the transit to get the file from

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    Returns the filepath to the FITS file closest to that time

  • getRotatedAndSplitArrayFromFitsFile(filepath, split=no_split, rotate=no_rotate, replace_with_zero=False)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    split is the section of the array that is cared about (see section "Split and Rotate")

    rotate is the number of degrees to rotate the array by (counter clockwise)

    If replace_with_zero is true, it will replace the removed elements of the array with zeros, otherwise it returns a truncated array.

    Finds the array from the given file given file, then applies the given split and rotate parameters as needed

    Returns the array created

  • getTotalData(filepath, split=no_split, rotate=no_rotate)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    split is the section of the array that is cared about (see section "Split and Rotate")

    rotate is the number of degrees to rotate the array by (counter clockwise)

    It ignores the negative items in the array and items with a value greater than the mean + std dev of the wavelength as a whole

    Returns the sum of the image data in the fits file

  • getNumberOfPixels(filepath, split=no_split, rotate=no_rotate)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    split is the section of the array that is cared about (see section "Split and Rotate")

    rotate is the number of degrees to rotate the array by (counter clockwise)

    Returns the number of non-nan pixels

  • getExpTime(filepath)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    Note: the HMI continuum doesn't have an exposure time, so returns a 1

    Returns the saved exposure time of the file. This may be inaccurate, depending on the processing already done on the file

  • getActualExpTime(filepath)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    Returns the actual exposure time of the file, based on the time stamps in the file header

  • getCountsPerSecond(filepath, split=no_split, rotate=no_rotate)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    split is the section of the array that is cared about (see section "Split and Rotate")

    rotate is the number of degrees to rotate the array by (counter clockwise)

    Returns the number of counts per second from the file, applying the split and rotation angle

  • getTimeSinceStartOfTransit(filepath)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    Returns the time in seconds since the start of the recorded transit period

  • getDistanceToSunFromSDO(filepath)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    Returns distance of the sun to the SDO in meters (DSUN_OBS)

  • getPlanetFromFile(filepath)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    Returns either "venus" or "mercury"

  • getWavelengthFromFile(filepath)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

Data Statistics


mean_stddev_skew_median_dict is a dictionary of {"venus": (data mean, standard deviation, data skew, data median), "mercury": (data mean, standard deviation, data skew, data median)}


  • getDataMeanStdDevSkewMedian(filepath)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    Returns tuple of (data mean, standard deviation, data skew, data median)

  • getDataMean(filepath)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    Returns the data mean from the file header

  • getDataRMS(filepath)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    Returns the data rms from the file header

  • getDataSkew(filepath)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    Returns the data skew from the file header

  • getDataMedian(filepath)

    filepath is a path to a FITS file

    Returns the data median from the file header

  • getMeanStddevSkewMedian(planet, wavelength)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    Returns a tuple of (average data mean, average standard deviation, average data skew, average data median) for the wavelength

  • getDictOfMeanStddevSkewMedian(planet)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    Returns a dictionary of {wavelength : (average data mean, average standard deviation, average data skew, average data median)} for all wavelengths

  • saveMeanStddevSkewMedianDict(planet)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    Saves a dictionary of {wavelength : (average data mean, average standard deviation, average data skew, average data median)} to personal_data_directory``planetmean_stddev_skew_median.txt for all wavelengths

  • readMeanStddevSkewMedianDict(planet)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    Returns the saved dictionary of {wavelength : (average data mean, average standard deviation, average data skew, average data median)} from personal_data_directory``planetmean_stddev_skew_median.txt for all wavelengths

Whole Wavelength Lists

  • readListOfFiles(planet, wavelength, time_block=[])

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    time_block is an array to limit the list to (see section "Time")

    Reads the saved data for that wavelength and gets the list of files from that

  • readListOfFilesAndTimeSinceStartOfTransit(planet, wavelength, time_block=[])

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    time_block is an array to limit the list to (see section "Time")

    Reads the saved data for that wavelength and gets the list of (file, time) from that

  • readExposureTimeOfFiles(planet, wavelength, time_block=[])

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    time_block is an array to limit the list to (see section "Time")

    Reads the saved data for that wavelength and gets the list of counts per second from that

  • readActualExposureTimeOfFiles(planet, wavelength, time_block=[])

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    time_block is an array to limit the list to (see section "Time")

    Reads the saved data for that wavelength and gets the list of counts per second from that

  • readDistancefSunOfFiles(planet, wavelength, time_block=[])

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    time_block is an array to limit the list to (see section "Time")

    Returns a list of the distance to the sun for all the files in the given wavelength

  • readDataMeansOfFiles(planet, wavelength, time_block=[])

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    time_block is an array to limit the list to (see section "Time")

    Returns a list of the data means for all the files in the given wavelength

  • readTimeSinceStartOfTransitOfFiles(planet, wavelength, time_block=[])

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    time_block is an array to limit the list to (see section "Time")

    Reads the saved data for that wavelength and gets the list of times from that

  • readCountsPerSecondOfFiles(planet, wavelength, split=no_split, rotate=no_rotate, time_block=[])

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    split is the section of the array that is cared about (see section "Split and Rotate")

    rotate is the number of degrees to rotate the array by (counter clockwise)

    time_block is an array to limit the list to (see section "Time")

    Reads the saved data for that wavelength and gets the list of counts per second from that

  • getNumberOfPixelsOfFiles(planet, wavelength, split=no_split, rotate=no_rotate, time_block=[])

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    split is the section of the array that is cared about (see section "Split and Rotate")

    rotate is the number of degrees to rotate the array by (counter clockwise)

    time_block is an array to limit the list to (see section "Time")

    Returns a list of the number of pixels for all the files in the given wavelength

Saving Whole Wavelength Data

All functions in this section are very slow, due to the large number of files being processed


  • findGoodFiles(planet, hour, wavelength)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    hour is what hour of the transit to get the data from, from "00" to "23"

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    Returns a list of non cutoff files

  • getAllGoodFiles(planet, wavelength)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    Returns a list of all the non cutoff files

  • getDictOfAllGoodFilesAllThings(planet, wavelength)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    Returns a dictionary of filepath, (count, time, pixels, count_in_split, pixels_in_split, count_out_of_split, pixels_out_of_split)

  • saveDictData(planet, wavelength, directory='/home/gtaylor/')

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    directory is the directory to save the datafile to

    Saves a dictionary of all the good files for the wavelength : (their counts per second, their time since start of transit) to the data file for that wavelength

    The saved data file is named planetdatawavelength.txt

    Returns the dictionary

  • saveAllWavelengthData(planet, directory='/home/gtaylor/')

    planet is the planet transit to use

    directory is the directory to save the datafile to

    Each saved data file is named planetdatawavelength.txt

    For all wavelengths, saves a dictionary of all the good files for the wavelength : (their counts per second, their time since start of transit) to the data file for that wavelength

  • saveAllWavelengthDataMultiThreaded(planet)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    For all wavelengths, saves a dictionary of all the good files for the wavelength : (their counts per second, their time since start of transit) to the data file for that wavelength

    Each saved data file is named planetdatawavelength.txt

    Does this in multiple threads (see section "Multithreading")

    Due to limitations of multithreading, the directory to save data to is the default one from saveDictData

Graphing Light Curves


  • graphLightCurve(planet, wavelength, split=no_split, rotate=no_rotate, popt_one=[], func_one=None, popt_two=[], func_two=None, time_block=[], show_events=False, label="", wavelength_name=True, new_figure=True, scale_to_one=True, shift=0, scale_to_one_based_on="max", subplot=None)

      `planet` is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    split is the section of the array that is cared about (see section "Split and Rotate")

    rotate is the number of degrees to rotate the array by (counter clockwise)

    func_one is a function (number, parameters) -> number that is applied to the light curve before graphing it

    popt_one is an array of optimized parameters for func_one

    func_two is a function (number, parameters) -> number that is applied to the light curve before graphing it

    popt_one is an array of optimized parameters for func_two

    time_block is an array to limit the list to (see section "Time")

    If show_events is True, the graph of the light curve includes lines for various events that happen during the transit Shows the ingress and egress with black lines Shows midnight (venus transit only) with a green line

    label is text to add to the end of the data name that goes in the legend

    If wavelength_name is True, the data name that goes in the legend includes the name of the wavelength

    If new_figure is True, it creates a new matplotlib figure for the light curve

    If scale_to_one is True, it scales the light curve to be on a scale of 0 to 1

    scale_to_one_based_on decides how to scale the light curve, if scale_to_one is True "max" scales so that the maximum element is 1 "first" scales so that the first element is 1 "last" scales so that the last element is 1 "not transit" scales so that the average not transit element is 1

    shift is added to every datapoint in the array

    fontsize is the size of the text in the graphed light curve (doesn't include the tick mark labels)

    numbersize is the size of the tick mark labels in the graphed light curve

    If show_graph is True, it graphs the light curve

    subplot is the argument passed into matplotlib's subplot function. If subplot == None then subplot is not used.

    Returns a tuple of the array of times and the array of data values that were graphed

  • graphAmountCausedByDistance(planet, wavelength)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    Graphs the light curve and a line representing how much of that was caused by the SDO moving in respect to the Sun

  • graphLightCurveAdjusted(planet, wavelength, show_events=False, use_primary_curve_fit=True, use_secondary_curve_fit=True, label="", wavelength_name=True, new_figure=True, scale_to_one=True, shift=0, force_primary_curve_fit=False, scale_to_one_based_on="max")

    Parameters that are also in graphLightCurve behave in the same way

    If use_primary_curve_fit is True, uses a primary curve fit to adjust the light curve

    If use_secondary_curve_fit is True, uses a secondary linear curve fit to adjust the light curve

    Returns a tuple of the array of times and the array of data values that were graphed

  • graphAllLightCurves(planet, split=no_split, rotate=no_rotate, time_block=[], show_events=False, label="", wavelength_name=True, new_figure=True, scale_to_one=True, remove=[], shift_up=False, all_new_figures=False, scale_to_one_based_on="max", shift_amount=0.0003)

    Parameters that are also in graphLightCurve behave in the same way

    If shift_up is True, graphs the light curves with shift_amount gap between them

    If all_new_figures is True, graphs each light curve in a new figure, otherwise it graphs all the light curves in a single image

    remove is an array of wavelengths not to graph

  • graphAllLightCurvesAdjusted(planet, use_primary_curve_fit=True, use_secondary_curve_fit=True, show_events=False, label="", wavelength_name=True, new_figure=True, scale_to_one=True, remove=[], shift_up=False, all_new_figures=False, scale_to_one_based_on="max", shift_amount=0.0003)

    Parameters that are also in graphLightCurve, graphAllLightCurves, or graphLightCurveAdjusted behave in the same way

  • graphWavelengthAndLimbDarkening(planet, wavelength, limb_darkening_model="quadratic", limb_darkening_parameters=None, depth=None, orbital_period_divider=11.3, semi_major_axis_const=14, new_figure=True)

    Parameters that are also in graphLightCurve behave in the same way

    depth increases the magnitude of the predicted light curve change

    semi_major_axis_const and orbital_period_divider affect the predicted light curve in strange ways

    Graphs the adjusted light curve and a predicted light curve based on the limb_darkening_model and limb_darkening_parameters

    If limb_darkening_model is "quadratic" and limb_darkening_parameters is None, it uses parameters from Allen's Astrophysical Quantities

Functions that are of the form nth * x^n + n-1th * x^(n-1) + … + one * x + zero

They work for func_one and func_two for graphLightCurve

  • linear(x,one,zero)

  • quadratic(x,two,one,zero)

  • cubic(x,three,two,one,zero)

  • quartic(x,four,three,two,one,zero)

  • quintic(x,five,four,three,two,one,zero)

Difference Images


  • derotateWavelength(planet, wavelength, time_one=0, time_two=30000, file_one=None, file_two=None)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    time_one is the time to derotate to

    time_two is the time to get an image from to derotate from

    file_one is the file to derotate to

    file_two is the file to get an image from to derotate from

    Doesn't work for HMI Continuum

    Returns the derotated image

  • showDiffBetweenTwoTimes(planet, wavelength, file_one=None, file_two=None, time_one=None, time_two=None, one_special=False, two_special=False)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    time_one is the time to get an image from to difference to

    time_two is the time to get an image from to difference from

    file_one is the file to get an image from to difference to

    file_two is the file to get an image from to difference from

    If one_special is True, the array is stored in the first section of the first file

    If two_special is True, the array is stored in the first section of the second file

    Returns the difference image

Transformations of Data


  • getFourierFrequencyData(planet, wavelength, show_graph=True, show_light_curve=False, seconds_between_points=24)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    If show_graph is True, it graphs the frequency data

    If show_light_curve is True, it graphs the light curve that produced the frequency data

    seconds_between_points is the number of seconds between data points used for interpolation. Decreasing this number increases the accuracy of the function but increases the processing time it takes to run the function.

    Returns the result of a Fourier transform done on the planet and wavelength data, the data's linear spacing and interpolated points, and the data's average

  • getLowPassedData(planet, wavelength, show_graph=True, show_light_curve=True, seconds_between_points=24)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    If show_graph is True, it graphs the low passed data

    If show_light_curve is True, it graphs the light curve

    seconds_between_points is the number of seconds between data points used for interpolation. Decreasing this number increases the accuracy of the function but increases the processing time it takes to run the function.

    Returns the planet and wavelength data with a low pass filter applied

    Source for this is How to create a simple low pass filter

  • getLowSquashedData(planet, wavelength, data_limit=0.0001, show_graph=True, show_light_curve=False, show_pre_change_frequency_graph=False, show_post_change_frequency_graph=False, seconds_between_points=24, slope_adjust=1.15)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    wavelength is the wavelength to use

    data_limit is the frequency value above which all frequency data is squashed

    If show_graph is True, it graphs the processed data

    If show_light_curve is True, it graphs the light curve that produced the frequency data

    If show_pre_change_frequency_graph is True, it graphs the unsquashed frequency data

    If show_post_change_frequency_graph is True, it graphs the squashed frequency data

    seconds_between_points is the number of seconds between data points used for interpolation. Decreasing this number increases the accuracy of the function but increases the processing time it takes to run the function.

    slope_adjust is a multiplier for the squashing. It helps to remove any ringing

    Returns the planet and wavelength data with the high frequency data squashed


time_block is an array of ["transit"|"not transit"|"ingress"|"egress"|"not venus spike"|number]

If it includes a string, it indicates to include times from that time period

If it includes "not venus spike", it indicates to remove times from that time period

If it includes number, it indicates only to use times before that number. This overrides everything else in time_block


  • venus_spike_start_time = 9000

    in seconds, the start of spike in 1700Å

  • venus_spike_end_time = 15000

    in seconds, the end of spike in 1700Å

  • ingress_start_time = {"venus":4020,"mercury":5010}

    in seconds, start of ingress

  • ingress_end_time = {"venus":5150,"mercury":5280}

    in seconds, end of ingress

  • egress_start_time = {"venus":26100,"mercury":31440}

    in seconds, start of egress

  • egress_end_time = {"venus":27350,"mercury":31680}

    in seconds, end of egress

  • transit_start_time = ingress_end_time

  • transit_end_time = egress_start_time

  • hours = {"venus":["21","22","23","00","01","02","03","04","05"],"mercury":["10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20"]}


  • checkIfInHours(hour, planet)

    Raises an exception if the given hour is not in the list of hours for the given planet

  • timeSinceStartOfTransit(planet, time)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    Given a time since the start of the recorded period, returns the difference between the given time and when the transit actually started

  • timeThroughTransit(planet, time)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    Given a time since the start of the recorded period, returns the start time if the transit has yet to start, the end time if the transit has already finished, or the current time

  • checkTimeBlock(planet, time_block, time)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    time_block is an array to limit the list to

    time is the time to check

    Checks if time is in the time_block

  • getDataFromTimeBlock(planet, time_block, data, times)

    planet is the planet transit to use

    time_block is an array to limit the list to (see section "Time")

    data is an array of generic data points that correspond with the time points in times

    data and times must be of same length

    Returns the data points that match the time_block

Split and Rotate



  • transit_rotate = {"venus":7.4,"mercury":2.0}

    The angle to rotate the picture of the sun so that Venus goes horizontal through the image

  • no_rotate = 0



Splits are a dictionary of two tuples of two tuples each that are each in the format (w,[x,y,z,...]).

That is, it breaks the image into w slices and then uses slices x,y,z,... The first tuple is for AIA images, the second tuple is for HMI images

  • inside_split = {"venus":((32,[8]), (16,[3])),"mercury":((256,[159,160,161]), (256,[166,167,168]))}

    The section of the sun that contains the transit.

  • outside_split = {"venus":(((32,range(8) + range(9,32)), (16,range(3) + range(4,16)))),"mercury":((256,range(159) + range(162,256)), ((256,range(166) + range(169,256))))}

    The section of the sun that doesn't contain the transit

  • no_split = {"venus":(((1,[0]), (1,[0]))),"mercury":(((1,[0]), (1,[0])))}

    The entire sun



  • wavelengths = ["0094","0131","0171","0193","0211","0304","0335","1600","1700","cont"]

    cont = HMI intensity continuum, all other are AIA wavelengths


  • checkIfInWavelengths(wavelength)

    Raises an exception if wavelength is not in the list of wavelengths

Venus Orbit


data about Venus

  • venus_radius = 3760.4


  • sun_radius = 432168.6


  • venus_semi_major_axis = 67237909.0


  • venus_apparant_radius = 0.023

    stellar radii ((tangent of angular radius of venus on june 5th 2012)*(1 astronomical unit - radius of sun - radius of earth) / (radius of sun))

  • venus_longitude_perihelion = 131.53298


  • venus_orbital_period_days = 224.701


  • venus_orbital_period = venus_orbital_period_days * 24 * 60 * 60


  • venus_eccentricity = 0.0067

  • venus_orbital_inclination = 3.39


  • venus_time_inferior_conjunc = (transit_start_time["venus"] + transit_end_time["venus"] ) / 2



This is based on ipython notebook features


  • %job [stuff to do]

  • jobs.status()

    to check on jobs

  • jobs.traceback(num)

    for stack trace for dead thread num

  • kill_thread(jobs.all[num])

    to kill thread num

  • for thread in jobs.running: kill_thread(thread)

    Kill all running threads


Looks at transits between Earth and the Sun of Venus and Mercury






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